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Sysmex公司推出血液分析儀的配套軟件 【?2005-11-18 發布?】 美迪醫訊
這套軟件用于Sysmex公司(Kobe, Japan)的pocH-100i血液分析儀。這種分析儀的標準軟件能夠提供完整的血液化學和其他診斷資料。血供中心的需求是多種多樣的。 這套新軟件同時使得pocH-100i成為在血液處理中心使用的Sysmex XE-2100D的完美配件。當患者仍然在醫生診室的時候,poc-H100i能夠迅速給出檢查結果,從而可以當場作出治療決策。這極大地幫助了醫生、患者和辦公室工作人員。一種新型質量控制程序使用條帶編碼控制登錄和試劑參數,以簡化質控程序以減少認為錯誤登錄。 Software for Analyzers in Blood Centers The software is for use on the pocH-100i hematology analyzer of Sysmex (Kobe, Japan). The standard software of this analyzer is geared toward the need for complete blood chemistries (CBC) and other diagnostic information. The needs of blood-donor centers are very different. The new software also makes use of the pocH-100i as a perfect complement to the Sysmex XE-2100D, used at blood-processing centers. In a diagnostic setting, the poc-H100i provides a quick turnaround of results, while the patient is still in the doctor’s office, to facilitate treatment decisions on the spot. This helps the doctor, the patient, and the office staff. A new quality-control program uses bar-coded entry of control and reagent parameters to simplify quality control procedures while reducing manual error entry. /**/本文關鍵字:
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