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Haemonetics公司開發出具有自我調節功能的外科泵 【?2005-11-21 發布?】 美迪醫訊
這種無需支撐物的Harmony系統,取代了圍墻式抽吸,有效地增加了外科醫生從手術區域清除液體的能力,能夠收集患者的紅細胞,重新回輸給患者。在自動處理過程中,這種收集的血液是清潔的,能夠回輸給患者。這就確保了患者能夠得所能得到的最安全的血液:他們自身的血液。 Harmony系統綜合了較高抽吸速度和血液細胞恢復所需要的較低的真空壓力,這就免除了調節抽吸水平的麻煩。該系統專門設計用于Haemonetics公司(Braintree, MA, USA; www.haemonetics.com)的OrthoPat、CardioPat和細胞救助自動輸血系統。
The free-standing Harmony system, which replaces wall suction, is designed to improve the ability of surgeons to clear fluids from the surgical field and collect the patient’s red cells for re-use in the patient. In the automation process, this collected blood is cleaned and made available for transfusion back into the patient. This ensures that patients receive the safest blood possible: their own. The Harmony system combines high suction rates with the low vacuum pressures needed for the best blood cell recovery, while eliminating the need to adjust suction levels. The system is specifically designed to supply suction for the OrthoPat, CardioPat, and Cell Saver autotranfusion systems of Haemonetics Corp. (Braintree, MA, USA; www.haemonetics.com), which developed Harmony. /**/本文關鍵字:
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