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Dynex公司推出新型臨床診斷工作站 【?2005-11-29 發布?】 美迪醫訊
設計這種全自動DS2是為了避免手工操作過程的變異性,確保在下列檢驗過程中,產生嚴格的可重復的檢驗結果:從免疫學檢查到感染性疾病、激素水平、致敏原、血液化學和藥物濫用。這種工作站整合了先進的自動化工藝和精確的液體處理能力。 DS2的操作和維護十分方便。作為一種開發系統,它能夠完全勝任酶聯免疫吸附法(ELISA)過程中幾乎所有的分析步驟,包括添加樣本和試劑、洗滌、孵育和吸附檢測。先進的控制系統的用戶界面十分友好。DS2是以DSX 便利工作站為模型的。二者都是Dynex(Chantilly, VA, USA)公司的產品,該公司是臨床診斷實驗室、藥物研究、生物醫學研究中使用的微型板設備領先制造商。Dynex是Magellan生物科學公司的分支機構。 The fully automated DS2 is designed to eliminate variations that occur with manual processes, ensuring the rigorous, repeatable analyses required in critical applications that range from immunology to infectious diseases, hormones, allergies, blood-chemistry, and drugs-of-abuse. The workstation incorporates advanced automation and precise liquid-handling capabilities. The DS2 is easy to use and maintain. An open system, it performs the entire complement of analytic steps required for virtually any enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), including adding samples and reagents, washing, incubation, and absorbance detection. The advanced control system is user-friendly. The DS2 is modeled on the DSX walk-away workstation. Both are the products of Dynex Technologies (Chantilly, VA, USA), a leading manufacturer of microplate instrumentation used in clinical diagnostics, drug discovery, and biomedical research. Dynex is a subsidiary of Magellan Biosciences. 本文關鍵字:
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