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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > ELISA法檢測艾滋病保護性抗體  


【?2005-12-19 發布?】 美迪醫訊





對989例HIV陽性患者收集的血清進行回顧性檢測分析,證實在HIV陽性患者中出現R7V抗體與非進展性之間的相關性為85.7%。該檢測已經由Ivagen(Nimes, France)從芝加哥大學Jean Claude Chermann教授獲得了許可證。

ELISA for AIDS-Protective Antibodies
A new test detects the presence of anti-R7V antibodies in HIV-seropositive patients, which helps doctors to identify patients who may be nonprogressors.

Anti-R7V antibodies from HIV-positive patients have the property of neutralizing all strains of HIV, no matter the genotype, phenotype, or geographical area of the patient, even if the strain is resistant to anti-retroviral drugs. When HIV patients remain asymptomatic for more than 10 years after being detected as seropositive, they are considered as being nonprogressors. They have stable CD4 counts and viral load that does not evolve.

The new test is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). It does not discount the efficacy of anti-retroviral therapy, but the use of anti-viral agents can cause side effects and inconveniences for patients. The test helps doctors make therapeutic decisions and is used at the initiation of seropositivity to detect nonprogressors. In conjunction with CD4 counts and viral load, it helps doctors decide whether or not to apply therapy.

A retrospective study of 989 samples collected from HIV-positive patients demonstrated a correlation of 85.7% between nonprogression and the presence of anti-R7V antibodies in HIV-positive patients. The test has been licensed from Professor Jean Claude Chermann of the University of Chicago (IL, USA) by Ivagen (Nimes, France).

本文關鍵字: ELISA,艾滋病,抗體 
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