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Novare公司推出提升腹腔鏡操作靈敏性的設備 【?2006-01-17 發布?】 美迪醫訊
Novare手術系統(Cupertino, CA, USA)宣布該公司正在重點推出Endolink關節連接手術設備,可以用于完全腹腔鏡子宮切除手術(TLH),這是一種用于微創手術切除子宮頸和子宮的高級技術。這種設備已經獲得了美國食品藥品管理局的許可。 TLH最大好處是切除子宮,而不需大型腹部切口、大量出血以及長達數周的恢復時間。該手術只需1.5厘米的腹部切口即可完成。 這種操作簡便、手動控制的手術設備,第一次為外科醫生提供6個方向的自由度,而無需計算機輔助或者機器人來操作。傳統腹腔鏡設備較為堅硬,只能為操作者提供有限的自由度。
Novare Surgical Systems (Cupertino, CA, USA) announced it is targeting its newly introduced line of Endolink articulating surgical instruments for total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH), an advanced approach for removing the cervix and uterus employing minimally invasive keyhole surgery. The instruments have been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The key advantage of TLH is to permit the removal of the uterus and offer a view of the pelvic organs without the need for a large abdominal incision, significant blood loss, and weeks of recovery time. The surgery is completed utilizing only four tiny abdominal incisions less than 1.5 cm in length. The single-use, hand-held surgical instruments are the first to provide surgeons with six degrees of freedom, without the need for computer-aided instruments or robotics. Traditional laparoscopic instruments are more rigid and provide the operator with only four degrees of freedom. /**/本文關鍵字:
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