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CeMines公司推出發現肺癌的血液檢查方法 【?2006-01-27 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種微創分子血液檢查方法能夠幫助醫生檢查和診斷肺癌。這項檢查獲得了CE標記,將使用CellCorrect KvA-40實驗室試劑盒的商標在歐洲上市。 根據CeMines公司(Golden, CO, USA)的說法,這種新型檢測方法并不十分昂貴,能夠檢測血液中自身免疫的病變和與疾病相關的抗體,這些抗體主要是免疫系統產生的。CeMines稱這種技術為分子指紋圖譜。 該公司已經開展全球患者的臨床研究,以證實特異性指標的一致性,這些指標已經被證實能夠反應癌癥的分化和特征。CeMines使用正在申請的分析復雜生物資料的應用軟件用于生物指標的分析,并使用特異性模式識別運算法則。這些資料十分便于閱讀評分,不需要醫生的主觀解釋。 Blood Test for Lung Cancer The new test is an inexpensive way to detect altered autoimmunity and associated patterns of disease-related autoantibodies in the bloodstream that are produced by the immune system, according to the test’s developer, CeMines, Inc. (Golden, CO, USA). CeMines calls its technology Molecular FingerPrinting. The company has conducted international patient studies that demonstrated consistent patterns of specific biomarkers that have proven their utility as viable composite biomarkers able to differentiate and characterize cancer. CeMines uses a patent-pending bioinformatics application for biomarker analysis, followed by specific pattern-recognition algorithms. The data are presented in an easy-to-read score that does not require subjective interpretation by doctors. 本文關鍵字:
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