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Planar公司開發出圖像診斷展示系統 【?2006-03-10 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種新型4M像素彩色寬熒幕顯示系統,能夠增加放射學、心血管、核醫學、正電子發射成像/計算機斷層顯像、皮膚科和手術室專業設備的效率和工作能力。 Planar公司(Beaverton, OR, USA)是這種平板顯示器的開發商,該公司的Dome E4c系統已經獲得了美國食品藥品管理局的許可,這是第一種4M像素的顯示系統被批準用于醫療領域的診斷學影像檢查。Planar最近部分開始了Dome EX生產線,這種系統具有16:9現象模式,在同一屏幕上顯示15幀全尺寸的512 x 512影像具有更加寬廣的空間和性能。 這種顯示功能支持開放結構,有助于操作者獲得最新的圖像操作標準,例如OpenGL和DirectX,進行2D彩色現象、圖像融合、高速3D維圖像和體積顯示用于導航和觀察。而且開放的結構能夠加速圖像展示和對未來標準部件的整合。 Planar Systems, Inc. (Beaverton, OR, USA), a developer of flat-panel display systems, has received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance for its Dome E4c, the first 4-megapixel color display medically certified for the viewing of diagnostic images. Part of Planar’s recently introduced Dome EX line, the system has a16:9 display format, and provides considerably more screen space and the ability to show 15 full-size 512 x 512 images on one screen. The display supports an open architecture design that allows users to gain access to state-of-the-art graphics standards, such as OpenGL and DirectX, providing the capability of two-dimensional (2D) color imaging, image fusion, high-speed 3D, and volumetric rendering for navigation and visualization functionality. Furthermore, the open architecture enables faster display performance and integration of future standard enhancements. /**/本文關鍵字:
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