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UPMC發現肥胖患者血壓隨著體重下降而下降 【?2006-04-21 發布?】 美迪醫訊
Pittsburgh大學醫學中心(UPMC, Pennsylvania, USA)體重控制中心的研究人員,分析了347例肥胖患者的資料,這些患者起始的體重指數(BMI)大于40,在1992~2001年期間在UPMC接受了胃旁路手術治療。半數的患者在接受手術之前被診斷為高血壓,但是只有少數患者接受過抗高血壓治療。在進行資料分析的時候,也就是在手術后18個月,他們的BMIs穩定在35左右,仍然屬于肥胖。 那些在手術之前沒有接受過抗高血壓的患者,血壓出現了顯著下降,至少持續至手術之后的18個月。那些在手術之前接受過積極的藥物治療的患者,大約有三分之一在手術之后減少了或者不再使用降壓藥物。那些血壓正常的患者在手術之后血液變化則并不顯著。這些研究結果發表在2006年3月《外科手術檔案》之上。 Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC, Pennsylvania, USA) Weight Management Center analyzed data from 347 obese patients, with an initial body mass index (BMI) greater than 40, who underwent gastric bypass surgery at UPMC between 1992 and 2001. Half of the study patients were diagnosed as hypertensive prior to surgery, but only some of them were being treated for their hypertension. At the time of data analysis, 18 months after surgery, their BMIs had stabilized to about 35, still categorized as obese. The patients who were not being treated for hypertension prior to surgery experienced significant blood pressure decreases that continued to remain low 18 months after surgery. Of the patients under active drug treatment for hypertension prior to surgery, about one-third were able to reduce or eliminate their blood pressure medications after surgery. The group of patients with normal blood pressure showed insignificant changes following surgery. The results were published in the March 2006 issue of the Archives of Surgery. /**/本文關鍵字:
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