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兒童同樣會發生腦卒中 【?2006-05-05 發布?】 美迪醫訊
這項研究是由Philadelphia兒童醫院(PA, USA)進行的,檢查了12例2~18歲的兒童,這些兒童在2003~2004年在當地急診中心就診。所有兒童都為急性動脈缺血性腦卒中,表現為一側偏癱或者不能正常行走。盡管該研究中的絕大多數兒童在癥狀出現之后得到了及時的醫學處理,但是他們直到24小時之后才得到明確診斷和專門針對腦卒中的處理。這項研究在2006年2月美國Kissimmee(FL, USA)國際腦卒中會議上進行了報道。 The study, conducted by the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (PA, USA), examined 12 children aged two to 18 years, who had presented to various local emergency centers in 2003 and 2004. All the children had acute arterial ischemic stroke, with the main symptoms either one-sided paralysis or difficulty walking normally. Although the majority of children in the study were brought to medical attention promptly after the onset of their symptoms, they experienced delays approaching 24 hours before receiving a definitive diagnosis and emergency stroke-specific treatment. The study was presented at the International Stroke Conference held in Kissimmee (FL, USA) in February 2006. 本文關鍵字:
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