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Tryton公司設計出治療冠狀動脈分杈病變的新型支架 【?2006-06-05 發布?】 美迪醫訊
Tryton側枝支架是由Tryton醫療公司(Newton, MA, USA)研制開發的,被設計用于治療冠狀動脈分杈病變。該支架使用獨特的氣囊擴張,5個French兼容系統通過單一導線輸送。 當與當前使用的標準導管共同使用治療主要血管病變的時候,該系統能夠在側枝處提供效果更好覆蓋和環狀束縛力。Tryton側枝支架當前僅用于研究目的。 在正在使用冠狀動脈支架的患者中,大約有25%發生位于側枝處的冠狀動脈疾病。但是,藥物釋放支架的設計并不能完全治療這些患者。放置在分杈處的支架目前會發生更多的急性并發癥和遠期的再狹窄。 The Tryton side-branch stent, being developed by Tryton Medical (Newton, MA, USA), is designed to treat coronary artery arterial lesions involving a bifurcation. The stent is a unique balloon expandable, 5 French compatible system that is delivered with a single wire. When used in conjunction with any existing standard stent for the main vessel, it provides superior coverage and hoop strength to the origin of the side-branch. The Tryton side branch stent is currently for investigational use only. Coronary artery disease located at the branch of arteries occurs in up to 25% of patients currently undergoing coronary stenting. However, the designs of available drug-eluting stents do not adequately address this group of patients. Stents placed at bifurcations are currently associated with higher acute complications as well as late restenosis. 本文關鍵字:
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