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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > LLNL開發的納米導線系統能夠檢測生物戰制劑  


【?2006-08-29 發布?】 美迪醫訊


Lawrence Livermore國家實驗室(LLNL, Livermore, CA, USA)的研究人員建立不同金屬層的亞微米檢測儀,包括金、銀和鎳等能夠作為“條形碼”檢測不同抗原和毒素,包括炭疽、天花、蓖麻毒素和肉毒桿菌。這些研究人員是由LLNL的生物安全和納米科學實驗室的Jeffrey Tok領導的。該系統在2006年8月4日《Angewandte Chemie》期刊在線國際版上進行了介紹。

The team, which included researchers from Stanford University (Stanford, CA, USA), the University of California-Davis Center for Biophotonics (Sacramento, CA, USA), and Nanoplex Technologies (Mountain View, CA, USA), used the multi-striped metallic nanowires in a suspended format to rapidly identify sensitive single and multiplex immunoassays that simulated biowarfare agents. They produced nanoscale wires by electrochemically depositing metals within the tiny cavities of porous mineral solids.
Nanowire System Detects Biowarfare Agents
A new barcode system based on biosensing nanowires can help to detect biowarfare agents in the field. The system can also be used to detect victims of an infectious disease outbreak.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL, Livermore, CA, USA) researchers built submicrometer layers of different metals including gold, silver and nickel that act as “barcodes” for detecting a variety of pathogens and toxins including anthrax, smallpox, ricin, and botulinum. The researchers were led by Dr. Jeffrey Tok of LLNL’s biosecurity and nanosciences laboratory. The system was described in the August 4, 2006, online international journal Angewandte Chemie.

The team, which included researchers from Stanford University (Stanford, CA, USA), the University of California-Davis Center for Biophotonics (Sacramento, CA, USA), and Nanoplex Technologies (Mountain View, CA, USA), used the multi-striped metallic nanowires in a suspended format to rapidly identify sensitive single and multiplex immunoassays that simulated biowarfare agents. They produced nanoscale wires by electrochemically depositing metals within the tiny cavities of porous mineral solids.

本文關鍵字: LLNL,納米導線 
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