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微藻提取物能夠降低舒張血壓 【?2007-04-10 發布?】 美迪醫訊
這種物質是 Martek公司(Columbia, MD, USA)的生命二十二碳六烯酸(DHA),這是一種DHA omega-3型的素食形式,這種長鏈omega-3脂肪酸可以作為大腦和眼睛構成的一種基本原料,能夠在人的一生中支持大腦、眼睛和心血管的健康。有大量和不斷增加的科學證據證明所有年紀的人群,從嬰兒到老年人,都能從食物中足夠的DHA omega-3中獲益。科學研究指出DHA omega-3在大腦和眼睛發育和功能中的作用,許多臨床試驗正在進行之中,這些試驗評估該 物質在降低特定神經疾病發病率中的作用。但是盡管該物質的重要性,美國人在全球范圍之內,食物中攝取DHA omega-3是最低的。 Microalgae Extract Lowers Diastolic Blood Pressure The substance, Martek's (Columbia, MD, USA) life's docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a vegetarian form of DHA omega-3, a long chain omega-3 fatty acid that serves as a primary building block for the brain and the eye and supports brain, eye, and cardiovascular health throughout life. There is a large and growing body of scientific evidence demonstrating that people of all ages, from infants to aging adults, benefit from an adequate supply of DHA omega-3 in the diet. Scientific reviews have noted the importance of DHA omega-3 in proper brain and eye development and function, and there are clinical studies underway to evaluate its role in decreasing the prevalence of certain neurological disorders. Yet, despite its importance, Americans have among the lowest dietary intakes of DHA omega-3 in the world. 本文關鍵字:
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