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分子印跡:使用水凝膠去除病毒 【?2007-05-30 發布?】 美迪醫訊
科學家已經制造出了一種病毒海綿,通過這種海綿的過濾過程類似于病人的血液在腎臟的透析過程,并能把病毒從病人體內排出。 這種材料也可應用于高效生產疫苗并且以藥片的方式降低糖尿病的血糖水平。這種病毒海綿的產生基于一種稱為分子印跡的技術。這種技術中,研究者把底物(這里所指的是一種水凝膠—海綿樣的物質)制作成特異分子的形狀,當特異性分子濾過水凝膠,會因為特異的形狀留在凝膠上。 Peter Kofinas是馬里蘭大學生物工程系的教授,他的研究小組第一次把分子印跡技術應用于病毒的捕獲,并且表明完成這項工作的耗費并不是很大。“這種去除裝置可以相同的方式完成腎臟透析的全過程”。Kofinas補充說:“如果你正處于病毒感染時期,你可以去醫院把血液中的病毒清除。” Kofinas研究小組已將這種技術應用于植物病毒和人細小病毒B19,這種病毒可導致嬰幼兒的第五大疾病。此小組現今正著手于H5N1流感病毒。這種新技術成本很低,在醫院和健康中心應用具有巨大的前景。Kofinas說:“如果在現有的透析儀上添加上這種裝置是很容易做到的。” 當每年苦心研制新型強抗流感疫苗的時候,水凝膠,卻可作為所有病毒株的廣譜過濾劑,大大減低成本。水凝膠過濾器也可作為清除某一種特殊病毒的裝置加以應用。 “分子印跡除了捕獲病毒還有其他很多用途。含有水凝膠的藥片經過設計后可清除血液中攝取的多余糖份,因而可以幫助糖尿病病人改善飲食。”Kofinas解釋道。 來源: University of Maryland, College Park Molecular Imprinting: Removing Viruses With a Hydrogel Researchers have created a kind of virus sponge that could filter a patient’s blood in a process similar to kidney dialysis, removing a virus from the patient’s body. The concept could also be used to make vaccine production more efficient and in a pill to reduce glucose levels in diabetics, among other applications. The virus sponge is based on a technology called molecular imprinting. In molecular imprinting, researchers stamp a molecule’s shape into a substance (in this case, a hydrogel—a sponge-like material). When the specific molecule filters through the hydrogel, it fits in the imprint hole and is trapped. The research group of Peter Kofinas, a professor in the University of Maryland’s A. James Clark School’s Fischell Department of Bioengineering, is the first to apply molecular imprinting to the capture of viruses, and to show that this approach is possible using an inexpensive hydrogel. "This virus removal device can be used the same way as a kidney dialysis machine," Kofinas continued. "If you have a viral infection, you can go to the hospital and have your blood cleaned of that virus." Kofinas’ team has so far used this technique on plant viruses and Human Parvovirus B19, which causes "fifth disease" in babies, and has now begun work on the H5N1 influenza virus. "This new technology could be integrated into hospitals and healthcare centres at minimal cost," according to Kofinas. Modifying existing dialysis machines to include the virus sponge technology would be relatively simple, he said. While a new vaccine must be developed each year for the strain of influenza that is expected to be the most potent, a hydrogel can be imprinted as a universal filter for all flu strains. However, to achieve better performance, a hydrogel filter can also be produced to catch a particular strain of the virus. The molecular imprinting process has many applications beyond trapping viruses. A pill containing the hydrogels could be developed to remove excess sugars when taken with food, thus helping diabetics regulate their diet, he explained. MEDICA.de; Source: University of Maryland, College Park 《美迪醫訊》歡迎您參與新聞投稿,業務咨詢: 美迪醫療網業務咨詢《上海醫療器械批發》產品推薦
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