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iPod :另一個來源于起搏器的干擾 【?2007-05-30 發布?】 美迪醫訊
雖然已經售出100萬美元,但iPod(蘋果,Inc)可能改變植入型起搏器的傳感或遙感功能,iPod進行了幾個模型檢驗,以確定他們他們是否又任何可測量的影響起搏器的行為,幸運的是,觀察到的干擾是不危機生命的,但是,直方圖的異常結果可能會導制病人得到不當的治療,雖然懷疑論者圍繞這一結果發問,但進一步的調查結果是需要的,iPod可能列出起搏器電磁干擾的潛在原因的清單。 來源于www.theheart.org The iPod: another source of pacemaker interference? More than 100 million have been sold, but iPods (Apple, Inc.) could alter the sensing functions or telemetry of implanted pacemakers. Several iPod models were tested to determine whether they have any measurable effects on pacemaker action in 100 patients. Luckily, the observed interference was not life threatening; however, abnormal histogram findings could result in patients receiving inappropriate therapy. Although skepticism surrounds these findings and further investigation is clearly needed, ipods could join the list of potential sources of pacemaker electromagnetic interference Source: www.theheart.org 本文關鍵字:
電磁干擾 iPod(蘋果,Inc)植入型起搏器
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