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核醫學大會上:計算機、信息科學在分子成像、核醫學中的優勢 【?2007-06-05 發布?】 美迪醫訊
在美國華盛頓舉行的54屆核醫學年會上,數碼計算機技術在分子成像和核藥物中的優勢應用成為主題。 美國核醫學學會,世界最大的分子成像和核藥物學術機構,這次大會上主要討論信息項目,無論是信息科學和技術方面的教育還是前衛的計算機技術在教育和臨床研究中的應用。 會議上,廠家提供計算機技術的展示、實驗室中已發展的基于計算機在科學和技術中的應用。6個計算機呈現部分中展示了最新臨床和研究實驗室中研究 進展。 主題包括:正電子發射斷層掃描/計算機斷層掃描(PET/CT)中關于病人信息和掃描參數數據庫的最新進展;應用手工技術進行臨床實驗數據的收集和圖像的分析;腫瘤檢測和追蹤系統;發射斷層掃描中最新靈感;小鼠和人的4維成像技術;心臟CT研究和動態PET使用圖像、直接體積測量和二維轉化功能進行血管成像;以及應用一系列雜交成像對治療效應的定量評價進行比較。 在會議上有許多范例,并為醫學搜索引擎PubMed提供信息來源。 美國核醫學學會是國際科學性和專業性的機構,擁有超過16,000會員,專門為改善和提高分子和核成像診斷、處理、以及治療成人和兒童多種疾病作出卓越的貢獻。 來源:medinews.com Advances in Computer, Information Sciences for Molecular Imaging, Nuclear Medicine Showcased at Nuclear Medicine Meeting The explosive growth in the power of digital computers used for molecular imaging and nuclear medicine will be showcased at the Society of Nuclear Medicine抯 (SNM; Reston, VA, USA) 54th annual meeting in Washington, DC, USA. SNM, the world抯 largest society for molecular imaging and nuclear medicine, debuts its InfoSNM program, which will provide both educational programs on information science and technology and innovative uses of computers in research and education as well as in the clinic. 揟he use of computers and information science--and how they are essential to clinical data processing, image data management, education, and science for molecular imaging and nuclear medicine--will be featured at InfoSNM,?said SNM抯 scientific program chair Dr. Frederic H. Fahey. InfoSNM will offer computer demonstrations by vendors, computer classrooms used for commercial presentations and general computer education, and computer-based presentations on the use of information science and technology that has been developed in laboratories, according to Dr. Fahey. New research for the clinic or research lab will be presented in six computer presentation sessions. Topics include: the development of a positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) database of patient information and scanning parameters; clinical trial data collection and image analysis using hand-held technology; a tumor metrics measurement and tracking system; using simulation to research ideas in emission tomography; dementia evaluation using automated software-based age/sex-matched normal database comparison; four-dimensional (4D) phantoms for medical imaging simulation of mice and men; coregistration and visualization of cardiac CT studies and dynamic PET studies using scene-graphs, direct volume rendering and 2D transfer functions; and comparative evaluation of serial hybrid imaging studies for quantitative assessment of therapeutic response. Demonstration programs will also be presented at the meeting, providing information on searching PubMed, the U.S. National Library of Medicine service that offers more than 16 million citations from Medline and other life science journals; freeware imaging display programs; open-source tools for imaging research; and designing an ergonomic reading room. SNM is an international scientific and professional organization of more than 16,000 members designed to promote the science, technology, and practical applications of molecular and nuclear imaging to diagnose, manage, and treat diseases in women, men, and children. 本文關鍵字:
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