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流動成像/放射學中心整合的網絡RIS/PACS 【?2007-06-05 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種最新的發射學信息系統(RIS)/圖像檔案交流系統(PACS)是一種歸納的而非統一的流動成像中心和放射學實踐方法。 美國動態成像,是已建立的以網絡為基礎的成像和信息處理的先導者,呼吁建立統一的整合網絡。整合網絡RIS/PACS beta項目是美國自由太平洋醫學成像公司成功的產品,已在加州和俄亥俄州中普及。 RIS/PACS系統中所有的工作部分加起來能為流動機構提供最佳的實踐效應并消除傳統的瓶頸。整合網絡RIS/PACS能追蹤病人,從病人登記到收費的全過程的各個階段。此系統建立的工作流程能使用戶進入系統并獲得病人的第一手資料最終導致檢測結果中積極的效應。 本系統計劃今年在 SIIM上進行展示。整合網絡PACS version 3.7是一個比較完整的版本,把最好的臨床應用以及醫學健康中心的標準整合在一起。 整合網絡PACS增強了正電子斷層-計算機斷層(PET/CT)的功能,包括為圖像閱讀者提供顯示多效應、同時性、三維PET/CT圖象的便利性。增強PET/CT功能性是最近新發展并且是具有美好前景的項目。 來源:medinews.com Integrated Web RIS/PACS for Ambulatory Imaging/Radiology Centers A new radiology information system (RIS)/picture archiving communications system (PACS) is an all inclusive, unified solution for ambulatory imaging centers and radiology group practices. Dynamic Imaging (Allendale, NJ, USA), an established leader in web-based image and information management, has announced the general release of IntegradWeb. Highlighting completion of the IntegradWeb RIS/PACS beta program were successful implementations at Liberty Pacific Medical Imaging, LLC (LPMI; Encino, CA, USA) facilities in California and Ohio. Integrating end-to-end web-based workflow leveraging the IntegradWeb RIS/PACS architectural platform allows Dynamic Imaging to offer ambulatory facilities a powerful, unified radiology desktop. IntegradWeb RIS/PACS includes the following intelligent, complementary information management application modules: enterprise scheduling; pre-certification workflow; clinical workflow (Tech Log); document management; exam visualization, transcription, and dictation; distribution and storage; billing and claims management, and management reporting. Each of these modules works together to provide ambulatory organizations the ability to utilize best-practice workflow by eliminating traditional bottlenecks. IntegradWeb RIS/PACS tracks the patient encounter from scheduling through the entire billing process requiring the necessary information at each stage. In this fashion, IntegradWeb RIS/PACS establishes workflow that ensures each user enters all of the required information to create an acceptable insurance claim the first time through, resulting in a positive impact on billing outcomes. Planned demonstrations at SIIM 2007 will include IntegradWeb RIS/PACS, IntegradWeb PACS version 3.7 with a full complement of integrations to the industry抯 best clinical applications, as well as the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) standard, IntegradWeb Mammo. IntegradWeb PACS provides enhanced, integrated positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET/CT) functionality, including the display of multiple, simultaneous, three-dimensional PET/CT views for the reading radiologist. Enhanced PET/CT functionality is currently under development and is a work-in-progress. 本文關鍵字:
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