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最新修補心臟缺損的方法 【?2007-06-05 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種新創的導管技術修補心臟的缺損可能使得許多病人避免手術成為可能,以使這些病人重新獲得足夠的力氣并在隨后的日子里安全接受手術修復奠定了基礎。 美國的一個研究小組評價了1995到2000年10例無室性隔膜缺損(VSD)接受修補的病人。在所有的這些按例中VSD修補都是失敗的,使得部分血液隨著心跳由左心室通過捷徑回到了右心室,而不是循環到身體的其他部分。但接受修補的操作過程在所有病例中都獲得了成功,沒有并發癥。一例病人因為終末疾病死亡而與VSD修補無關;2例病人破損并未完全解決,致使血液經過窄的開口處后受到破壞。還有一個病人因為細菌感染在使用輔助儀器后幾個月后去世。 而接受新的治療方法后,平均過了一年后,病人感覺明顯好轉并且活動明顯增加,即使在喘氣前也能進行攀爬的活動。所有的研究對象被紐約心臟協會定義為2級或更好。這項研究在第30次心血管血管成像年會上作了展示。本次會議于2007年5月在美國的奧蘭多舉行。 急性VSD病人可能由于心衰造成嚴重的疾患甚至造成心源性的休克。第一作者Matthew W. Martinez博士解釋說。他的這種新的治療方案可能成為太虛弱以至不能立刻進行心臟手術的病人或是僅僅不愿意接受手術的病人的另一種選擇。 本研究所涉及的VSD檔板由兩層圓盤通過一根厚軸連接。這兩層圓盤由可延展的鎳合金制成并由多脂覆蓋以引導心臟組織生長并覆蓋于其上,治療的過程中可使心臟組織完全覆蓋于圓盤上。 可延展的雙圓盤修補片通過一條導管,經過一條靜脈從右心室通過缺損處進入左心室。 直到第一個圓盤頂端展開這個修補裝置才會部分從導管鞘中伸出。導管隨后從右心室撤回。當第一個圓盤貼在左心室壁,而連接兩個圓盤的桿狀物填滿由破損造成的孔洞時,第二個圓盤在右心室打開,覆蓋缺損在有側心室的一面。 來源:medinews.com Novel Occluder Patches Holes in the Heart A novel catheter technique for patching holes in the heart may make it possible for many patients to avoid surgery altogether and others to regain enough strength to safely undergo surgical repair at a later date, according to a new study. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, MN, USA) reviewed the medical records of 10 patients treated with aventricular septal defect (VSD) patch between 1995 and 2005. In all cases, the VSD patch was failing, allowing a portion of the blood in the left ventricle to shoot backward into the right ventricle with each heart beat, rather than being circulated to the rest of the body. All patients were implanted with a VSD occluder, and the procedure was successful in all patients, without complications. One patient died five days later of illness unrelated to the VSD patch. In two patients, the rupture did not fully heal, causing damage to blood cells as they jetted through the narrow opening. A third patient developed a bacterial infection that started several months after device implantation. The patch was removed and all three patients had successful surgery to repair the rupture. After a follow-up that averaged more than one year, patients were feeling markedly better and were much more active, even able to climb a flight of stairs before becoming short of breath. All patients were ranked in New York Heart Association class 2 or better. The study was presented at the 30th annual scientific sessions of the society for cardiovascular angiography and interventions, held during May 2007 in Orlando (FL, USA). patients with acute VSDs may be critically ill with heart failure and perhaps be in cardiogenic shock,?said lead author Matthew W. Martinez, M.D., a cardiology fellow at the Mayo Clinic. 揟his procedure offers an alternative for patients who are too sick to undergo emergency heart surgery or simply don’t want surgery.? The VSD occluder is composed of two discs connected by a thick shaft. The discs are made of flexible nitinol metal and covered in polyester fabric that encourages heart tissue to grow over them, completely covering them during healing. The flexible double-disc patch is pulled into a catheter, collapsing and compressing it lengthwise. It is then threaded through a vein into the right ventricle and across the rupture into the left ventricle. The patch is pushed partially out of its catheter sheath until the first disc pops open. The catheter is then withdrawn back into the right ventricle, with the first disc positioned against the left ventricular wall and the connecting shaft filling the hole created by the rupture. From inside the right ventricle, the patch is pushed forward again, releasing the second disc, which covers the rupture on the right side of the heart. 本文關鍵字:
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