首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > 抗體可運用于成像、蛋白質顯影以及蛋白質定量 |
抗體可運用于成像、蛋白質顯影以及蛋白質定量 【?2007-06-05 發布?】 美迪醫訊
新近誕生的利用抗體的方法可應用于體外成像并給生物醫學領域研究者帶來了便利。 柯達X-Sight應用于體外檢測的抗體連接方法是在Carestream醫療公司先前發展的體內檢測方法的基礎上發展而來的。 新的抗體連接方法是為蛋白質印跡法專門設計的。后者是一種凝膠電泳法可根據細胞和組織樣本的分子重量對其進行分離。蛋白質分離后,第一抗體結合于感興趣的蛋白上 。柯達X-Sight抗體作為第二抗體結合于第一抗體上并在合適波長的熒光的激發下發光,因而使研究學者見到并定量所要研究的蛋白質。 為了最大程度減少交叉反應性,第二抗體必須經過親和純化并進行交叉吸收。這種方法得到的圖象是很亮的、高度敏感與其他商業試劑來說具有抗干擾的特性。 連接于第二抗體上發光物可被四種不同激發和散發波長的光激活。波長可根據設計從紫外到近紅外,這樣可適合于不同蛋白質的檢測。這種方法不但可在柯達專門配備的儀器上使用,也適合于其他商業成像儀器。 這種方法的誕生可為各種蛋白的成像帶來了便利。 來源:medinews.com Antibody Conjugates for in-Vitro Imaging Applications Visualize and Quantify Proteins A new line of antibody conjugates for in vitro imaging applications is now available for biomedical researchers. The Kodak X-Sight antibody conjugates for in vitro applications augment the line of conjugates for in vivo use that had been previously released by Carestream Health, Inc. (New Haven, CT, USA). The new antibody conjugates are designed for Western blotting applications, which use gel electrophoresis to separate proteins from a sample of cell or tissue based on molecular weight and size. After protein separation, a primary antibody targets the specific protein of interest. The Kodak X-Sight antibody conjugates then attach to the primary antibody and light up when excited by the appropriate wavelength of fluorescent light, thus allowing researchers to visualize and quantify the protein under investigation. To minimize cross reactivity, the secondary antibodies have been affinity purified and are highly cross-absorbed. This treatment purportedly results in superior brightness, higher sensitivity, and excellent signal to noise results when compared to other commercially available conjugates. Conjugates are available conjugated to a variety of secondary antibodies in four distinct excitation and emission wavelengths ranging from just above ultraviolet (UV) to near infrared (IR), making them suitable for multiplex detection of proteins. While the antibody conjugates have been optimized for Kodak Image Station Systems instruments, they are also compatible with other commercially available digital imaging systems. he continuous introduction of novel Kodak X-Sight imaging agents is a sign of our commitment towards offering our customers a complete solution for their imaging needs. We are very excited about this proprietary product line with its demonstrated significant improvements in protein detection and other in-vitro applications over existingavailable products,?said Dr. Shahram Hejazi, president of Carestream Health molecular imaging systems division. 《美迪醫訊》歡迎您參與新聞投稿,業務咨詢: 美迪醫療網業務咨詢更多關于 抗體可運用于體外成像 抗體可運用于蛋白質顯影 抗體可運用于蛋白質定量 的新聞《上海醫療器械批發》產品推薦
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