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便攜式X光/簡化讀片系統可增加工作效率 【?2007-06-05 發布?】 美迪醫訊
第一個整合數字化醫學成像系統由一個可攜帶的X光生成器和電腦控制的放射成像系統組成。 此系統由美國Carestream和德國西門子醫學公司聯合發展,并且已在美國和歐盟使用。自從柯達床前診斷CR-ITX 560系統于2007年5月在美國、加拿大、和歐洲面市,十多個機構已經訂購。此系統預計今年年底在中國和其他國家上市。 CR-ITX 560系統由一個強大的放射讀片器和一個便攜式X光生成單位組成。此系統適合廣泛的醫療機構使用---包括醫院、創傷科、診所以及護理部門,這些場所可迅速在床邊獲取病人的影象,對于那些急性、時間關鍵的診斷非常重要。此系統專為方便和簡易所設計,并且有高水平的成像質量,可以提高檢測速度,因而工作效率也大為提高。 此系統價格不貴且能大為提高工作效率簡化操作流程,不僅是因為CR-ITX 560能消除攜帶大型儀器到讀片者間所產生的麻煩,還能在病人旁邊就能立刻獲得高質量的圖象 Carestream與西門子公司合作發展了這個系統,此系統結合了Carestream公司的讀片系統和西門子公司的便攜式X光生成器。CR-ITX 560系統是兩公司技術上的互補。它每小時能合成60張圖象并且能在多種場所中使用。通過觸屏可以在38秒內調閱病人的圖象。此系統充一次電后能合成100張圖象,并且能儲存500張圖象。 此系統有醫院信息系統/放射信息系統(HIS/RIS),所以能帶有病人的確認信息以及檢測請求在系統移動前就能事先下載。CR-ITX 560支持數碼成像、醫學信息交流以及打印功能。此外此系統還支持無線網絡技術。 Carestream公司是2007年成立的,此前Onex公司吞并了伊士曼柯達公司。 來源:medinews.com Integrated Portable X-Ray/Compact CR System Provides Efficient Workflow The first integrated digital medical imaging system features a portable x-ray generator and computed radiography (CR) system. The system, pioneered by Carestream Health, Inc. (Rochester, NY, USA) and Siemens Medical Solutions (Erlangen, Germany), is now available in the United States and Europe. More than a dozen customers have placed orders for the compact Kodak Point-of-Care CR-ITX 560 system since it began shipping to customers in May 2007 in the United States, Canada, and Europe. The system is scheduled for availability later this year in China and other countries. The CR-ITX 560 system combines a powerful CR reader and a transportable x-ray unit in a single, self-contained package. The system is suitable for a wide range of healthcare facilities--including hospitals, trauma units, clinics, and nursing homes--where immediate capture and access to patient images at the point-of-care is a vital part of accurate, time-critical diagnoses. Designed for convenience and ease of use, the system delivers excellent image quality, accelerates clinical workflow, and helps improve staff productivity. his affordable system provides greatly improved workflow and productivity. Not only does the CR-ITX 560 eliminate the need to carry cassettes to remote CR readers, it also enables technologists to verify image quality at the patient bedside,?said Michael Marsh, president, Digital Capture Solutions, Carestream Health. Carestream Health worked with Siemens Medical Solutions to develop the unit, which combines a compact Carestream Health CR system with a Siemens portable x-ray system. The CR-ITX 560 unit features a shared user interface and power source. It processes up to 60 images an hour and supports multiple plate sizes. Images are available for review in just 38 seconds on the system抯 touch-screen monitor. The system can acquire up to 100 images on a single battery charge, and has a storage capacity of 500 images. The system has hospital information system/radiology information system (HIS/RIS) compatibility so that worklists containing patient identification and image study requests can be downloaded and used offline while the system is on the move. The CR-ITX 560 supports Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) Store and DICOM Print capabilities, and uses a standard network outlet for communication. Moreover, it can operate over a wireless network connection through a WiFi adapter. Carestream Health emerged in 2007 when Onex Corp. (Toronto, Canada), purchased Eastman Kodak Co.抯 Health Group (Rochester, NY, USA). 本文關鍵字:
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