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結腸鏡穿孔意外的最新治療方法 【?2007-07-24 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一項新的技術可以在傷口確定的同時閉合意外結腸鏡所致的損傷,由此避免了侵入性的手術。 美國德州醫療分支機構研發了一項能閉合穿孔的技術,通過內鏡進入肛門將環針和縫線運送到傷口處 。相似的方法已應用于腹腔鏡治療使損傷最小。 在做腸鏡的過程中,外科醫生可能意外導致兩種主要的穿孔:一種是由結腸延伸過長造成的,另一種是由去除息肉時造成的。把豬作為實驗模型,學者們利用內鏡將小金屬環針送入體內,成功閉合小于1英尺的結腸穿孔。這項新技術于2007年五月在美國胃腸內鏡年會上作了展示。 第一作者G.S. Raju博士說:“我們通過一系列的試驗表明能通過內鏡成功修復兩種類型的穿孔。而不需進行侵入性的手術。” 每1000到2000例結腸內鏡檢查中就有1例可因醫生的過失造成結腸穿孔。這類病人的大多數需要進行緊急手術閉合傷口并且需要在醫院內治療10天。10例病人中會有1例死亡,通常是由于閉合穿孔不及時使 結腸內容物漏入腹腔,導致致死性的腹膜炎和膿毒敗血癥。 Following a series of animal studies, researchers at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB; Galveston, USA) developed a technique for closing perforations promptly after they During colonoscopies, surgeons may accidentally cause two principal types of perforations; one results from overstretching the colon, the other from removal of polyps. Working withpigs as an experimental model, the researchers successfully closed colon perforations of less than one inch with small metal clips inserted via endoscopes. The new technique was presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, held during May 2007 in Washington DC (USA). e have shown in a series of experiments that both types of perforations can be closed successfully using an endoscope without the need for invasive surgery,?said lead author, UTMB associate professor of gastroenterology G.S. Raju, M.D. 揥e have even accomplished a leak-proof seal of the perforation.? In one out of every 1,000 to 2,000 colonoscopies, doctors inadvertently perforate the colon. Most of these patients need urgent surgery to close the wound and spend 10 days in the hospital. One in 10 dies, usually because delays in closing perforations allow colon contents to leak into the abdominal cavity, causing deadly conditions such as peritonitis and sepsis. 本文關鍵字:
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