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手提式超聲系統能提供更加迅速的診斷 【?2007-07-24 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一定數量的新型手提超聲系統已經在英國多個外科診療單位使用。這些儀器的可攜帶性和高速讀片性能使診斷更加迅速并使病人及時接受治療。 英國Sandhurst已經使用SonoSite 180Plus和SonoSite Titan 超聲系統,這種超聲系統可根據要求選擇不同的探頭。Simon Brown博士說,SonoSite系統的大小不超過一部膝上電腦,因而它可以從一個地方攜帶到另一個地方,并且可以供10以上的醫護人員共同使用。這一點非常重要,因為不會破壞在忙碌時幾個病人的操作流程。 美國SonoSite公司,是專門開發手-提超聲系統的機構,SonoSite輕巧的超聲系統在臨床使用范圍內不斷擴展其使用功能,在床邊監測中始終能以高的信價比獲得高質量的超聲圖像。 這種超聲系統的使用意味著更多的常規掃描能在很短時間內完成,但必須執行相應的標準。我們現在仍在尋找一種能處理深靜脈栓塞的辦法,以及在婦產科,我們能在一次診療過程中迅速監測早期妊娠和胎兒分娩前的出血情況。這些都可以減輕預約的壓力。Brown博士總結道。如果我們在周五晚上觀察到病人妊娠早期階段出血,我們可以通過此系統迅速掃描胎兒心跳而不是讓孕婦預約而等到周一早上。 SonoSite, Inc. (Bothell, WA, USA), is a developer of hand-carried ultrasound systems. SonoSite small, lightweight systems are expanding the use of ultrasound across the clinical spectrum by cost-effectively bringing high performance ultrasound to the point of patient care. he use of ultrasound in primary care means that more routine scans can be performed quickly by the GP during a standard appointment. We are also currently looking at providing a full service for DVT [deep vein thrombosis] management, and in obstetrics, we can quickly check bleeding in early pregnancy and fetal presentation near-term during a consultation, both of which will take the pressure off hospital bookings.?Dr. Brown concluded, if I see a patient bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy on a Friday night, to be able to instantly scan and see the fetal heart beating rather than keep her waiting for a Monday morning appointment at the hospital, makes the system worth it in itself. 本文關鍵字:
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