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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > 肌肉撕裂:動態超聲檢測帶來的準確性  


【?2007-07-24 發布?】 美迪醫訊



超聲對所有運動醫療急癥室來說,是迅速且無放射性的成像工具。對于診斷和處理肌肉撕裂來說也是一種非常重要的工具。本研究的第一作者Ashok Kumar Nath解釋道。

50個病人中,46 例在大腿和小腿區域有肌肉撕裂和/或血腫。32例病人肌肉完全撕裂周圍有明顯的血腫,剩下的14例部分撕裂,損傷具有回聲性質,并且肌肉是松弛的,類似于肌肉收縮時的假-腫瘤。根據此項研究,愈合后的傷口是具有高度反射性的瘢痕組織。


Muscle Tears: Dynamic Sonography Diagnoses Accurately 
Dynamic sonography is a useful tool in the diagnosis, management and follow-up of muscle tears and haematomas, according to a recent studyThe ultrasound research was conducted by scientists from Khoula Hospital in Muscat, Oman. The study consisted of 50 male soccer players ranging from 20 to 30 years of age with muscular trauma in the thigh and calf. Dynamic sonography of both the affected and contralateral normal part was performed.
“Ultrasound is a rapid and radiation free imaging modality available in all sports medicine emergency rooms. It is a very important tool to diagnose, follow-up and document muscle tears for proper management,” said Ashok Kumar Nath, MD, lead author of the study.
Of the 50 patients, 46 had muscle tears and/or haematomas in the thigh and calf regions. Thirty-two of those patients had clear-cut complete muscle tears surrounded by haemotomas and the remaining 14 patients had partial tears, appearing as hypoechoic subtle lesions with relaxed muscle which looked like pseudo-tumours on contraction. According to the study, the healed tears appeared as highly reflective scar tissue. 

“We are successfully performing dynamic sonography in muscular trauma and our players have benefited tremendously in the management and follow-up of muscle tears,” said Dr. Nath. “If we find muscle tears with haematomas which need to be drained, we perform the drainage under ultrasound image guidance which is more accurate and scientific,” he said.

本文關鍵字: 肌肉撕裂診斷 
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