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登革熱:感染旅行者后可能不會讓人察覺 【?2007-06-15 發布?】 美迪醫訊
根據一項最新研究,嚴重的登革熱出血性發熱,一種常見的旅行者感染,如果依照世界衛生組織所推薦的診斷標準可能會漏檢。 登革熱是國際旅行者間常見的傳染性疾病,世界范圍內50年間增加了30倍。如同瘧疾,登革熱通過蚊子傳播給人類。大多數病人起病溫和。綜合征包括發熱、皮疹、頭痛、眼后疼痛以及肌肉和關節痛。 根據世界衛生組織(WHO)的推薦標準,登革熱出血性發熱(DHF)表現為發熱、低血小板計數、自發性出血或脆性血管。最嚴重的可引起休克和死亡。至今仍沒有治愈登革熱的方法,但對疾病的及時處理可以避免最嚴重的結果。 這項研究是由柏林Robert Koch Ole研究中心 Wichmann博士負責,研究成員遍布整個歐洲,收集的數據來自8個歐洲國家14個出入境防疫監測點。 兩年間在這些監測點中有超過200個病人接受了登革熱感染的治療,僅少于1%的病人符合WHO對DHF的所有診斷標準。然而,至少11%的病人具有嚴重登革熱疾病的一種表現癥狀,并且總共23%的病人因為登革熱相關綜合征接受了住院治療。Wichmann說,“出現嚴重癥狀的病人并不一定滿足所有的診斷標準。” “登革出血性發熱”對出血癥狀過分強調,認為血漿的流失和休克都是由這種原因造成的。過分聚焦于出血可能忽略了接受住院治療的重要條件。 研究還表明那些重復感染登革熱的病人產生嚴重癥狀的可能性更大。 來源: Infectious Diseases Society of America Dengue: Infections May Go Unrecognized in Travellers Severe cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever, a common travellers´ infection, may not be recognized if doctors rely on the World Health Organization’s guidelines for identifying it, according to a new study.Dengue is the most important emerging disease among international travellers, with a 30-fold increase in incidence over the past 50 years worldwide. Like malaria, dengue is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. Most cases are mild. Symptoms include fever, rash, headache, pain behind the eyes, and muscle and joint pain. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is characterized by fever, low platelet count, clinical evidence of leaking capillaries, and spontaneous bleeding or fragile blood vessels. The most serious cases can lead to shock and death. There is no cure for dengue infection, but management of the disease’s effects can prevent the worst outcomes. The study, conducted by Ole Wichmann, MD, at the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin, Germany, and colleagues throughout Europe, collected data through the European Network on Surveillance of Imported Diseases at 14 sites in eight European countries. Out of more than 200 patients treated for dengue infection at these sites over two years, less than one percent fit all four criteria necessary to meet the WHO definition of DHF. However, eleven percent had at least one manifestation of severe dengue disease, and a total of 23 percent required hospitalization due to dengue-related symptoms. "Dengue exists more as a continuous spectrum," Dr. Wichmann said. "Severe disease can be present in patients who do not fulfil all four DHF criteria." "The term ’dengue hemorrhagic fever’ puts undue emphasis on bleeding," he added, noting that plasma leakage and shock can occur without it. "Clinicians who mainly focus on bleeding may miss the most important conditions that require hospitalization and treatment." Their findings also showed that travellers who acquire a second dengue infection are more at risk for severe cases of dengue, although some patients had severe symptoms when infected during their first trip to a dengue-endemic country. MEDICA.de; Source: Infectious Diseases Society of America 本文關鍵字:
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