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Clopidogrel Chinese market report 【?2008-07-11 發布?】 美迪醫訊
Clopidogrel Chinese market reportReserach report of Chinese Clopidogrel market
Publisher: Orient Health Electronic Commercial(Beijing)co.,Ltd
Format: Hardcopy and Adobe PDF
Price: US$1,500
Contact: Mr.Humphrey
Tel.: 86-10-58110925 Fax: 86-10-58110918
E-mail: hhuang@medicexchange.com
Brief introduction
Clopidogrel is a Thienopyridine derivative, Antiplatelet drug, developed by Sanofi-Avetnis (brand name Plavix). Global sales revenue of Plavix reached to $5.9 billion in 2005, second best-selling product in the global market.
Clopidogrel came into Chinese market in 2001, acquiring the most segment of the market of blood thinning drugs.
With the expiration of Plavix's patents in 2006, Canada company Apotex launched the generic Clopidogrel, indicating the generic market opening. Now only a domestic company in China acquiring the approval for Clopidogrel except Sanofi-Avetnis, Clopidogrel market is charming for the pharmaceutical companies.
The report presents the market scale and sales trend, market shares of different brands, region sales statistic etc for Clopidogrel. The market of blood thinning drugs in China is also presented in the report.
2 Different categories of blood thinning drugs
2.1 Anticoagulant Drugs
2.2 Antiplatelet drugs
2.3 Others of Anticoagulant or Antiplatelet drugs
2.4 Thrombolysis drugs
3 Sales analysis of blood thinning drugs from 2002 to 2005
3.1 Market scale and growth trend
3.2 Market share and change trend
3.2.1 Sales shares of different products of Blood Thinning Drugs
3.2.2 Sales shares of different products of Antiplatelet drugs
3.2.3 Sales shares of different products of Anticoagulant Drugs
3.2.4 Sales shares of different products of Thrombolysis drugs
3.3 sales rank of different brands (enterprises)
4 Sales anlalysis of Clopidogrel in 2005
4.1 Position of Clopidogrel in the market of blood thinning drugs
4.2 Market shares of different brands (enterprises)
4.3 Competition status of Clopidogrel in the past 4 years
4.3.1 Sales values and growth trend
4.3.2 Market shares of different strengths
4.3.3 Market shares of different enterprises
5 Sales analysis of key cities
6 Information of researh and development for blood thinning drugs in the world
6.1 Antiplatelet drugs
6.2 Anticoagulant Drugs
7 Information of researh and development in China
7.1 Domestic and import products marketed
7.2 Situation of examination and approval for Clopidogrel
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