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China Monthly Export Statistics Report on 7-ACA Series Cepha 【?2008-08-21 發布?】 美迪醫訊
China Monthly Export Statistics Report on 7-ACA Series Cephalosporin Bulk Drugs7-ACAPublisher: Orient Health Electronic Commercial(Beijing)co.,Ltd
Published: July 2006
Format: Hardcopy and Adobe PDF
Price: US$ 3,100
Contact: Mr.Humphrey
Tel.: 86-10-58110925 Fax: 86-10-58110918
E-mail: hhuang@medicexchange.com
1 Total export volume and product shares
2 Import statistics of 7-ACA
(including organization,volume,amount of money,prices etc.)
3 Export status of 7-ACA
(including organization,volume,amount of money,prices,destination countries etc.)
4 Export status of Cefazolin
(including organization,volume,amount of money,prices,destination countries etc.)
5 Export status of Ceftriaxone
(including organization,volume,amount of money,prices,destination countries etc.)
6 Export status of Cefoperazone
(including organization,volume,amount of money,prices,destination countries etc.)
7 Export status of Cefotaxime
(including organization,volume,amount of money,prices,destination countries etc.)
8 Other Cephalosporin Bulk Drugs
9 Monthly Export Statistics of key enterprises
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