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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Integra公司研制出神經監測NeuroSensor系統  


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這種被稱作NeuroSensor(“神經感受器”)的系統操作簡便,臨床醫生只要將單個導管插入一個不起眼的螺栓中,就可以同步測量患者的大腦血流和顱內壓。這個系統允許外科醫生實時監測相關的生命體征,允許持續定量檢測患者腦部缺血的風險,允許在外傷或者腦外科手術等腦實質創傷之后,直接檢測顱內壓。檢測系統使用激光多普勒流式儀技術測量腦部血流,而使用微電子機械系統(microelectromechanical system,MEMS)測量顱內壓。通過檢測可以導致顱內壓升高的病變,比如大腦血流的某些特定變化,從而可以預防進一步的腦損傷,或者將這種損傷限制在最小范圍內。

美國新澤西州Integra生命科學儲備公司(Plainsboro, NJ, USA)高級副總裁Deborah Leonetti說:“我們的目標是提供在線和實時的多峰形性監測作為監測標準,這促使了神經監測系統的研發,我們為能夠提供這種治療和監測神經外傷和腦血管疾病的尖端技術而感到十分自豪。”

Neuromonitoring for Brain-Injured Patients

A new neuromonitoring system measures both cerebral blood flow (CBF) and intracranial pressure (ICP) in brain-injured patients. The system has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Called NeuroSensor, the system is easy to use, allowing clinicians to obtain simultaneous measurements of a patient’s CBF and ICP through the use of a single catheter inserted through a low-profile bolt. The system provides relevant measurements for a surgeon on a real-time basis, allowing for continuous qualitative monitoring in patients at risk of cerebral ischemia and for the direct monitoring of ICP in intraparenchymal applications following injury or neurosurgical procedures. The sensor measures CBF using laser Doppler flowmetry technology, while ICP is measured by a microelectromechanical system (MEMS). By detecting the conditions that lead to increased ICP, such as certain changes in CBF, further injury to the brain may be prevented or limited.

“Our goal is to provide online and real-time multimodality monitoring as the standard of care,” noted Deborah Leonetti, senior vice president of marketing for Integra Lifesciences Holdings Corp. (Plainsboro, NJ, USA;, which developed the neuromonitoring system. “We are very proud to offer this cutting-edge technology for the treatment and care of patients with neurotrauma and cerebrovascular disease.”

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