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  首頁 > 美迪醫(yī)訊 > EPHB2基因突變:促發(fā)前列腺癌的基因  


【?2004-11-29 發(fā)布?】 美迪醫(yī)訊


這種檢測方法的高效率是因為聯(lián)合使用了兩種篩查方法:無義介導(dǎo)的mRNA衰減(nonsense-mediated mRNA decay,NMD)基因芯片技術(shù)被用于篩查突變基因,而比較基因雜交(comparative genomic hybridisation,CGH)基因芯片技術(shù)被用于篩查同一樣本中DNA拷貝丟失的數(shù)量。通過聯(lián)合檢測研究人員能夠有效地查明在癌細胞中功能失活的基因。



該研究在芬蘭VTT的醫(yī)學(xué)生物技術(shù)系中繼續(xù)進行,同時與美國翻譯基因組學(xué)研究院(the Translational Genomics Research institute)的一個國際研究隊伍緊密合作。

Identified: Gene that Promotes Prostate Cancer

An international research team has developed a method for the screening and identification of tumour growth-suppressing genes. The method enabled the discovery of a new cancer gene, which, when damaged, may promote prostate cancer.

With the new technique, it is possible to identify potential tumour-suppressor genes from among the approximately 25,000 human genes and accelerate research significantly. The new method allows the screening of thousands of genes in a single laboratory experiment.

The effectiveness of the method is due to the combination of two screening methods: the NMD(nonsense-mediated mRNA decay) microarray technique is used to screen for mutated genes, while the CGH (comparative genomic hybridisation) microarray technique is used to screen for DNA copy number losses from the same sample. By combining these findings researchers can efficiently pinpoint those genes whose function has failed in cancer cells.

Using this method the researchers found errors in the EPHB2 gene. The gene encodes a cell membrane receptor, which has a role in the intracellular communication, and is required for cell differentiation, cell mobility and maintenance of correct tissue structure. A defect in the EPHB2 gene function may thus cause tissue dysorganisation and promote the proliferation and metastatis of cancer cells.

Researchers found mutations in EPHB2 gene in 8 per cent of prostate cancer patients, particularly in the metastatic tumours. The discovery is hoped to facilitate the development of novel therapeutics for prostate cancer. The researches aim to develop the NMD-CGH microarray method  further and apply it for new tumour-suppressor gene discovery approaches in prostate cancer and other cancer types.

The research was continued in Finland at VTT in the Medical Biotechnology Department, in collaboration with a research team at the Translational Genomics Research institute in the US.

本文關(guān)鍵字: 基因突變,前列腺癌 
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