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美國InifMed公司的便捷數字X光成像系統 【?2004-11-30 發布?】 美迪醫訊
StingRay Excel數字X光成像系統具有以下特性:優異的影像處理核心、扁平面板探頭工藝以及一套設計用于優化影像質量和產量的新型影像處理元件。 研制新系統的目的是為了升級現有的房間式或者做為全房間式原始設備制造商(OEM)的整合式解決方案。軟件平臺可以靈活配備多種探頭,包括動態和靜態盤狀探頭,這使得該系統對OEM而言具有優越性。該系統是由美國InifMed公司(Liverpool,NY,USA)研制開發的。 在獲取圖像后,ImageEnhance圖像處理特性將立即對影像進行優化,而不需要技師對影像進行后期處理。新型邊緣增強(Edge Enhancement)特性允許對骨骼或者軟組織的細微處分別進行優化處理。 Flexible Digital Radiography System The StingRay Excel digital radiography system features a unique image processing core and flat panel detector technology with a new set of image-processing elements that are designed to optimize image quality and productivity. The system was created for use as an upgrade to an existing room or as an integrated full-room original equipment manufacturer (OEM) solution. The software platform has the flexibility to accommodate a wide range of detectors including both dynamic and static flat panels, which makes the system unique from an OEM perspective. The system was developed by InifMed (Liverpool, NY, USA). The ImageEnhance image processing feature optimizes images immediately upon acquisition, requiring no post-processing from the technologist. A new Edge Enhancement feature allows for separate optimized enhancement of bone or soft tissue detail independent on one another. 本文關鍵字:
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