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咖啡因可以改善腦組織創傷的預后 【?2004-12-02 發布?】 美迪醫訊
有研究發現人體內的咖啡因對嚴重腦組織創傷患者預后有一定影響。2004年10月在美國拉斯維加斯舉行的美國麻醉醫師年會上報道了這項研究結果。 該項研究包括31例嚴重腦組織創傷患者。目前認為咖啡因在機體內是通過與腺苷受體的相互作用而發揮生理效應的,腺苷受體廣泛存在于機體中以及大腦實質中。特別是被稱為A1的特定受體在腦組織創傷的病理過程中發揮保護神經元的作用。根據匹茲堡大學醫學院復蘇研究Safar中心主任Patrick M. Kochanek醫學博士的說法,咖啡因是通過促進腦組織中A1新受體的合成從而改善腦組織創傷的預后,但也可能是通過其它機制而發揮作用。 “應用咖啡因能夠上調腺苷A1受體的表達,從而在大腦處于危機的時候提供強有力地保護”。Kochanek博士評論說,“腦組織創傷在神經麻醉科是相當常見的疾病,而目前尚無特效藥物可以用于腦外傷患者以改善他們的預后。” 盡管仍然需要更多的研究來徹底闡明咖啡因對中樞神經系統的作用,kochanek博士指出:“現有資料提示萬一您不幸遭遇了嚴重頭部創傷,而你已經攝入了咖啡因或者你一直定期服用咖啡因,都將會為你的腦組織創傷提供保護作用。” Caffeine Improves Brain Injury Outcome The study included 31 patients who had suffered severe brain injuries. Caffeine is thought to produce its biologic effects on people through interactions with adenosine receptors, found throughout the body and with substantial localization in the brain. Certain receptors called A1 receptors are especially protective to neurons during brain injury. Caffeine may provide benefits for traumatic brain injury by stimulating the synthesis of new A1 receptors in the brain or through other mechanisms, according to Patrick M. Kochanek, M.D., director of the Safar Center for Resuscitation Research at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine (PA, USA). “Caffeine use may be up-regulating adenosine A1 receptors, which in turn gives the brain a stronger defense at the time of crisis,” remarked Dr. Kochanek. “Brain trauma is a common problem in neuroanesthesiology units, and there currently is no specific pharmacologic therapy available for brain injury treatment that improves patient outcomes.” Although more studies are needed to fully understand caffeine’s effects on the central nervous system, Dr. Kochanek noted that “The data suggest that if you happen to have a severe head injury, having had some caffeine consumption, or just being a regular caffeine consumer, provides you with some protection against the evolution of damage in the brain once the injury has occurred.” 本文關鍵字:
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