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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Enigma公司推出只需要30分鐘的聚合酶鏈反應系統  


【?2004-12-22 發布?】 美迪醫訊



研制該系統最初目的是為了在生物戰戰場快速準確地檢測生物戰試劑,例如炭疽;但是該系統在人類生命科學領域有著更加廣闊的應用前景。接近于市場推廣的兩個系統是:NPT Gold(用于檢測院內以及診所內的衣原體)與PCR-Light(用于檢測腳-口傳播**疾病與食物中毒爆發)。這些產品是由Enigma診斷公司推向市場的。【**美迪醫療網成揚編輯按:原文如此,疑為原文有誤,似應為糞口傳播疾病】

Enigma診斷公司的新首席執行官John Thornback指出:“我現在的任務是尋求并獲得執照以及一項商業策略,以幫助我們成功開發英國以及世界范圍內的潛在應用領域。”

30-Minute PCR Technology
A portable polymerase chain reaction (PCR) system automates all the steps, including sample preparation, allowing operation by nonscientist users in the field and providing results in only 30 minutes.

All the instruments used in the process are protected by a portfolio of 30 patents and incorporate a direct heating system that uses a plastic to rapidly heat and cool the samples. When combined with the detection and sample preparation chemistries, direct heating allows several test assays to be run in a single rapid reaction.

The process was originally developed for fast, accurate battlefield detection of biologic warfare agents such as anthrax, but has wider potential applications in human care. Two systems close to market launch are the NPT (near-patient testing) Gold for detection of chlamydia in hospitals and clinics and the PCR-Light, for field applications such as detection of foot-and-mouth disease and outbreaks of food poisoning. The systems are being marketed by Enigma Diagnostics (Porton Down, UK).

“My task is now to devise and implement a licensing and commercial strategy that will enable us to successfully exploit the many potential applications areas both in the UK and internationally,” noted John Thornback, new CEO of Enigma Diagnostics.

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