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通過口腔液體檢測藥物濫用的設備由Varian公司研制成功 【?2004-12-28 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種獨特的待批準的設備可以極其方便地收集口腔液體(唾液)并提供經過認證實驗室的檢測結果。 該設備被稱為OraTube,其收集裝置無液體滲漏,操作簡單,從樣本收集到傳送只需要三個步驟。操作是非侵入的而且100%可監控的,收集過程幾乎杜絕了對樣品做手腳的可能,簡化了樣品保管鏈。操作者將OraTube收集器送到近OraTube認證的藥品檢測機構。在24小時之內就可以獲得陰性結果,在48~72小時內可以獲得經過認證實驗室的確認結果。 OraTube是Varian公司the Oniste OraLab的延伸產品。OraTube被用在雇傭前測試、隨機的被懷疑者或者事故發生后,進行安非他明、可卡因、甲基苯丙胺、搖頭丸、嗎啡以及其他濫用藥品的測試與篩查。與競爭對手產品不同,OraTube的設計無需在實驗室檢測前稀釋樣品,因此在預期臨界值水平結果更加準確。 Varian公司消耗品副總裁兼總經理Stephen Schultheis解釋說:“對口腔液體進行測試的需求正在不斷增長,因為這收集尿液更加方便。如果用戶需要檢測近期的藥物濫用,口腔液體檢測是理想的選擇。” Lab-Based Testing Device for Oral Fluid Called OraTube, the collection device is drip-free, simple to use, and includes only three quick steps from sampling to shipping. Noninvasive and 100% observable, the collection process nearly eliminates specimen tampering and simplifies chain-of-custody procedures. Users ship the OraTube collector to an OraTube-certified drug-testing facility. Negative results are available within 24 hours, and laboratory-certified confirmations are available within 48-72 hours. OraTube is an extension of the Onsite OraLab of Varian, Inc. (Palo Alto, CA, USA). OraTube is used for pre-employment testing, random suspicion or post-accident testing and screening for amphetamines, cocaine, methamphetamine, ecstasy, morphine, and other drugs of abuse. Unlike competitive offerings, OraTube’s design does not require the dilution of the sampler prior to laboratory testing, and therefore results are more accurate at the desired cutoff levels. “There is growing interest in oral fluid testing because of the many benefits over urine collection,” explained Stephen Schultheis, consumable products vice president and general manager, Varian Inc. “If a customer wants to detect recent drug use, oral fluid testing is the ideal choice.” 本文關鍵字:
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