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Depeche Mode實驗室研制出治療傷口的新型噴霧設備 【?2005-01-06 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種傷口處理新方法使用了噴霧治療,從而無需使用繃帶覆蓋開放性創傷,阻斷了超級病原體比如甲氧苯青霉素耐藥性金黃色葡萄球菌的傳播。 噴霧治療通過產生一種不可見的蛛網覆蓋傷口來促進皮膚自然愈合。噴霧中的氨基酸與蛋白質模擬了血液產生的物質,加速了細胞生長填補傷口。傷口只需要在愈合過程開始的時候清創一次,而且不允許將傷口弄潮濕。這種噴霧設備叫做Youki,是由Depeche Mode實驗室研制的。 Depeche Mode實驗室研究主任Sujata Jolly說:“你需要數次噴霧以產生保護性薄膜,需要某些物質覆蓋傷口,因為你仍然需要保護它。產生的保護屏障允許傷口透氣。” 甲氧苯青霉素耐藥性金黃色葡萄球菌幾乎總是由直接的物理接觸傳播,而不是通過空氣傳播。傳播也可能發生于非直接接觸的條件下,比如接觸甲氧苯青霉素耐藥性金黃色葡萄球菌攜帶患者皮膚污染的物體例如床單或者毛巾。Youki解決了這些問題,而不需要醫務人員、患者或者護理人員接觸傷口覆蓋物。 New Spray Treatment for Wounds The spray encourages the skin to heal itself naturally by creating an invisible web across the wound. Amino acids and proteins in the spray mimic those made by blood and rapidly speed up the cell growth to fill any holes. Wounds need be cleaned only once, at the start of the healing process, and are not allowed to get wet at all. The spray, called Youki, was developed by Depeche Mode Laboratories (Maidenhead, UK). “You need to spray several times to build up a protective film,” said Sujata Jolly, research director at Depeche Mode. “There has to be something to cover the wound, because you still have to protect it. The barrier it creates is breathable.” MRSA is almost always spread by direct physical contact and not through the air. Spread may also occur through indirect contact by touching objects such as sheets or towels that are contaminated by the infected skin of a person with MRSA. Youki addresses these problems by not requiring healthcare staff, patients, or caregivers, to touch wound dressings. 本文關鍵字:
Depeche Mode實驗室,噴霧設備
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