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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > InfiMed公司推出一系列數字式心血管成像系統  


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PlatinumOne Cardiac、PlatinumOne ComboLab、PlatinumOne EP(電生理)系統被設計裝備在原始設備制造商(OEM)生產的全房間系統,或者是現有實驗室的升級換代產品。軟件平臺的靈活性適合各種成像探頭:從動力圓盤狀面板到2K CCD,這使得從OEM的角度來看是非常獨特的。

PlatinumOne EP被設計用在需要復雜電生理程序的時候,提供先進的成像能力以及小劑量脈沖熒光成像,還提供了易于操作的影像處理功能。PlatinumOne ComboLab系統為血管介入手術以及全心臟功能測定提供了實時數字衰減功能。同時還包含了一種完全實時數字血管造影功能。這些系統都是由InfiMed公司研制開發的,最近在美國佛羅里達州圣匹茲堡的海灣地區心臟中心、加利福尼亞州的圣圣地亞哥Scripps綠色醫院進行了臨床試驗。

Digital Cardiac Imaging Systems
A series of in-room digital acquisition systems provide advanced imaging capabilities required for today抯 complicated interventional procedures.

Developed to accommodate any kind of cardiac cine or fluoroscopic imaging, the systems provide faster acquisition times as well as new image processing features, expanded digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) 3.0 interface, and enhanced image quality with a newly designed digital charge-coupled device (CCD) camera.

The PlatinumOne Cardiac, PlatinumOne ComboLab, and PlatinumOne EP (electrophysiology) systems were designed for use as original equipment manufacturer (OEM) integrated full-room systems, or as an upgrade to an existing lab. The software platform has the flexibility to accommodate a wide range of detectors from dynamic flat panel to 2 K CCD, which also makes it unique from an OEM perspective.

The PlatinumOne EP system is designed to provide advanced imaging and low-dose pulsed fluoroscopic acquisition required for complicated electrophysiologic procedures, while also providing easy-to-use image processing features. The PlatinumOne ComboLab system provides real-time digital subtraction for interventional vascular procedures as well as full cardiac functionality. A complete, real-time digital angiography feature is also included. The systems were developed by InfiMed, Inc. (Liverpool, NY, USA), and clinical trials of the system were recently conducted at Bay Area Heart Center in St. Petersburg, FL, and Scripps Green Hospital in San Diego, CA, USA.

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