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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > 西門子推出新型Somatom多層螺旋CT  


【?2005-01-17 發布?】 美迪醫訊

兩種新型多層螺旋計算機X線斷層掃描系統業已發布。一種是新型亞秒、雙層X線計算機斷層掃描系統叫做Somatom Sprit。另外一種是Somatom Sensation 40CT,將在2005年夏天推出。

Somatom Spirit用于臨床常規應用,每次旋轉獲得兩層影像但是成本與單層掃描器成本一樣。該產品可以做為當前使用的過時的單層軸向或者螺旋掃描器的合適的升級換代產品,做為超負荷工作的CT室的補充設備,或者是經濟有效的入門產品。同時還可以配置成為小型偏遠診所的遠程放射診斷設備。根據檢查類型的不同,在8小時的工作日內最多可以檢查50例患者。使用70厘米龍門型圓孔以及能夠承受200公斤的患者臺,使得能夠接受的患者類型幾乎是無限的。

The new Somatom Sensation 40 CT system enables the acquisition of 40 slices per rotation with excellent image quality and an extremely high isotropic resolution of below 0.4 mm voxel size in clinical routine. Both systems were developed by Siemens Medical Solutions (Erlangen, Germany).

新型Somatom Sensation 40 CT系統每次旋轉可以獲得40層影像而且影像品質優越,在臨床常規應用中等方向性清晰度小于0.4毫米體素,兩種系統都是西門子醫療公司研制成功的。
New Multislice CT Systems
Two new multiclice computed tomography (CT) systems have been announced. One is a new subsecond, dual-slice computed tomography (CT) system, called the Somatom Spirit. The second is the Somatom Sensation 40 CT, to be available in the summer of 2005.

The Somatom Spirit is for routine clinical applications and acquires two slices per rotation but costs the same as a single-slice scanner. It is a suitable system to replace outdated single-slice axial or spiral scanners, to be used as an additional CT unit in an overworked facility, or for a cost-effective entry into CT. It is also geared for small outlying clinics utilizing teleradiology. Depending on the kind of exam, up to 50 patients can be scanned in an eight-hour workday. With a gantry aperture of 70 cm and a patient table load of 200 kg, the patient spectrum is virtually unlimited.

The new Somatom Sensation 40 CT system enables the acquisition of 40 slices per rotation with excellent image quality and an extremely high isotropic resolution of below 0.4 mm voxel size in clinical routine. Both systems were developed by Siemens Medical Solutions (Erlangen, Germany).

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