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Sangtec公司研制出一系列實時PCR診斷試劑盒 【?2005-02-03 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一系列即開即用型實時聚合酶鏈反應診斷試劑盒可以用于巨細胞病毒、乙肝病毒和EB病毒的DNA的定量檢測。所有試劑盒都有CE標簽。 所有試劑盒只需要體積很小(200 μl)的樣本,具有敏感性高、動力范圍廣泛、檢測協調性好,能夠使得不同分析所需的多次運行在一次運行中即可完成。這些試劑盒叫做affigenea trender,是由Sangtec分子生物學診斷試劑公司研制開發的。用于檢測巨細胞病毒和EB病毒的試劑盒可以用于血漿、血清和全血,而檢測乙肝病毒的試劑盒只能用于血清和血漿。 Sangtec公司國際產品經理Therese Sundell指出:“affigenea trender試劑盒,為不同樣本提供了靈活的相同的樣本處理方案,比如不含細胞的體液和全血。試劑盒還通過設立內參照來防止出現假陰性的結果,通過UDG(尿嘧啶DNA糖基化酶)消毒以及封閉試管反應來防止出現假陽性結果。 Sangtec分子生物學診斷著眼于免疫減弱患者的感染性疾病和腫瘤學。該公司是世界上少數幾家獲得人類臨床診斷PCR執照的公司之一。 Real-Time PCR Diagnostic Kits All require only small sample volumes (200 μl) and are characterized by high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, and harmonized test profiles enabling multibatch runs with different analytes tested in one run. Called affigenea trender, the kits were developed by Sangtec Molecular Diagnostics (Stockholm, Sweden; www.sangtec.com). The assays for CMV and EBV are for use with plasma, scrum, and whole blood, while the HBV assay is for use in serum and plasma only. “The affigenea trender kits offer a flexible solution for sample preparation from different sample matrices such as cell-free body fluids and whole blood,” noted Therese Sundell, international product manager at Sangtec. “They also offer prevention of false-negative results through a built-in internal control and prevention of false-positive results through UDG [uracil-DNA glycosylase] sterilization and closed-tube reactions.” Sangtec Molecular Diagnostics focuses on infectious diseases of immunocompromised patients and oncology. The company states it is one of the few firms in the world with a broad PCR license for human clinical diagnostics. 本文關鍵字:
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