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加拿大一家公司推出前列腺癌快速診斷試劑盒 【?2005-03-06 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種診斷前列腺癌的新型試劑盒提供了前列腺特異抗原的一步法檢測方法,并能夠在20分鐘之內得到結果。 根據開發商所言,檢測結果易于判斷,無需額外設備或者試劑,而且結果非常精確(超過99%)。在內科醫生檢查之后,PSA檢測需要患者去實驗室接受檢查,通常檢查結果需要24小時甚至更長時間才能獲得。這種新檢測方法在醫生診療室內即可進行,而在患者離開之前即可獲得結果。 國際醫療服務公司(Edmonton, Canada)研制了這種試劑盒,該公司正致力于獲得法律批準。公司相信對超過45歲的男性進行前列腺癌早期篩查有著廣泛的市場。正在進行試驗的第一個區域是中國。 該公司將繼續利用公司員工以及科學家研發根據用于市場調研發現有著巨大潛在需求的新的檢測試劑盒。通過將診斷試劑盒的類型進行多樣化,該公司處于這樣一個位置,即對需要特殊的檢測試劑盒但是不會影響該公司的總體發展。 The results are easy to read, require no additional instrumentation or reagents, and are very accurate (greater than 99%), states the developer. When PSA tests require patients to visit a laboratory after being examined by a physician, the test results are not obtained for over 24 hours or more. This new test can be administered in a doctor's office, with the results obtained before the patient leaves. Medical Services International (Edmonton, Canada) developed the kit and the company is working to obtain regulatory approval. The company believes there is a significant market for an early screening test for prostate cancer in men over 45 years of age. The first area where testing is ongoing is China. The company will continue to use its facilities and scientists to develop new test kits where market studies show there is a potential for great demand. By diversifying its types of diagnostic test kits, the company is in the position where a change in demand for a particular test kit will not affect its overall performance. 本文關鍵字:
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