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Varian公司開發出高效快速的腫瘤學資料恢復軟件 【?2005-03-22 發布?】 美迪醫訊
在面臨系統斷電或者災難的時候,一種新型資料保護服務可以為腫瘤信息系統用戶提供關鍵資料的持久保護。 這套高度可靠快速恢復保護(HARRP)系統是由Varian公司(Palo Alto, CA, USA)研發的,專門設計用于Varis可視腫瘤學信息系統,該系統也是由Varian公司開發的。HARRP以NSI軟件公司的Double Take軟件工藝為基礎。配備HARRP使得依賴數據的腫瘤科,在面臨日復一日地錯誤或者網絡服務器災難地時候,能夠快速簡便地拯救Varis數據。 Varian腫瘤信息系統副總裁Christopher Hanna博士解釋說:“接受放療的時候,每個患者的治療方案在保護周圍健康組織的同時,都尋求最大劑量來治療腫瘤。治療方案視根據患者大量解剖資料和治療計劃來制定的。醫生一定不期望在患者來接受每日常規治療的時候,發現患者資料已經丟失了。HARRP將確保這種情況不會發生。” 使用HARRP技術,在服務器崩潰的時候,治療中心能夠備份而且在1小時之內啟動。該系統在共享或者私人Internet protocol(IP)協議為基礎建立的網絡,當數據發生字節水平的變化的時候就復制數據。數據變化幾乎即刻捕獲,當需要的時候可以提供最新拷貝的數據。在主要服務器斷電的時候,軟件允許附屬服務器在按下按鈕之后即可開始工作。 The High Availability and Rapid Recovery Protection (HARRP), developed by Varian Medical Systems, Inc. (Palo Alto, CA, USA), is designed for use with the Varis Vision oncology information system, also developed by Varian. HARRP is based on NSI Software, Inc.’s (Hoboken, NJ, USA) Double Take software technology. HARRP is devised to enable data-dependent oncology departments to recover Varis data rapidly and easily when there are day-to-day failures or disasters involving network data servers. “For radiation therapy, each patient’s treatment seeks to maximize the dose to the tumor, while protecting the surrounding healthy tissues,” explained Christopher Hanna, Ph.D., vide president of Varian’s oncology information systems. “Treatments are based on a mountain of data about the patient’s anatomy and treatment plan. You do not want a patient showing up for a daily treatment, and finding that you cannot proceed because of data loss. HARRP will help to ensure that doesn’t happen.” With HARRP technology, if a server crashes, a treatment center can be back up and running within one hour. The system replicates changes in data as they happen at the byte level over a shared or private Internet protocol (IP)-based network. Changed data are captured almost immediately, and an up-to-date copy of the data can be accessed when needed. In the even of a primary server outage, the software enables a secondary server to stand in with the push of a button. 本文關鍵字:
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