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Ziehm公司開發出以網絡為基礎的圖像控制軟件 【?2005-03-28 發布?】 美迪醫訊
新型以網絡為基礎的圖形和治療控制軟件,允許由Ziehm影像公司(Nuernberg, Germany)制造的C臂在手術室的整合式通信中心服務。 以網絡為基礎的概念提升了C臂的網絡能力。這套系統叫做WebPort,是由Ziehm影像公司研制開發的,聯合了C臂產生的影像資料在線觀察功能、以網絡為基礎的圖像存檔和通性系統(PACS)、影像分布功能性。這就為醫療保健信息工藝(IT)結構提供了無縫整合。 通過互聯網或者企業內部互聯網,操作者可以進入所有影像,能夠使用任何視窗工作站。聯合使用能夠支持簡單的影像恢復和后期處理的智能瀏覽器技術,這套軟件為手術室提供了雙向網絡進入功能,而且可以毫無限制的獲取影像資料。 這套系統還具有“Prefetch”功能,提供了高速進入醫院整個影像檔案的能力。IT允許術中同步觀察手術,使得術前和術中制定計劃成為可能。 The web-based concept advances networking capabilities of C-arms. The system, called WebPort, was also developed by Ziehm Imaging and combines the functions of online viewing of the image data generated by the C-arm with web-based picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) and image distribution functionalities. This provides seamless integration into healthcare information technology (IT) structures. Via the Internet or intranet, the user has access to all images, being able to use any Windows workstation. In combination with the intelligent browser technology that supports easy image retrieval and post-processing, the software provides bi-directional web access in the OR and image data without limits. The system also has a “Prefetch” functionality, providing high-speed access to the entire image archive of the hospital. IT enables intra-operative simultaneous modality viewing, and makes it possible to manage preoperative and intra-operative planning. 本文關鍵字:
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