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Dade Behring公司資助的C反應蛋白網址閃亮登場

【?2005-04-08 發布?】 美迪醫訊


這個網址每日升級,內容包括使用高密度C反應蛋白做為心血管疾病與中風的預后指標,以及做為觀察性研究與臨床試驗的結果。評審內容的專家委員會包括Paul Ridker醫生(哈佛波士頓醫學院醫學教授,MA, USA)、Nader Rifai醫生(哈佛醫學院副教授)和Wolfgang Koenig醫生(德國烏爾姆大學醫學中心的醫學/心血管科教授)。該網址的贊助者之一是美國Dade Behring公司(Deerfield, IL, USA)。


Dade Behring公司主席、總裁兼首席執行官Jim Reid-Anderson評論說:“這個新網址是我們公司堅持不懈努力的一個明證:即為醫療保健提供者與患者提供信息以滿足他們的需要,從而獲得最佳質量的健康保健”
New Website on C-Reactive Protein
A new website on the Internet ( is designed as a source for the latest updates on C-reactive protein (CRP) for medical professionals and their patients.

The website is updated daily and includes content on the use of high-density CRP (hsCRP) as a prognostic indicator of cardiovascular disease and stroke, as well as the results of observational studies and clinical trials. The editorial board of specialists reviewing the content includes Dr. Paul Ridker (professor of medicine, Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA, USA), Dr. Nader Rifai (associate professor, Harvard Medical School), and Dr. Wolfgang Koenig (professor of medicine/cardiology, University of Ulm Medical Center, in Germany). A sponsor of the website is Dade Behring (Deerfield, IL, USA).

The website’s content includes interactive forums, multimedia presentations by experts on inflammation and heart disease, case studies, discussion forums, self-assessments, slide and video libraries, treatment guidelines, references, polls, and the latest medical publications on CRP, as well as frequently asked questions.

“This new website exemplifies our company’s continuous efforts to make information available to healthcare providers and patients that meets their needs and enables the best quality of care,” remarked Jim Reid-Anderson, chairman, president, and CEO of Dade Behring.

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