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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Baxa公司:新型心臟成像的微灌注系統  


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MicroFuse給藥套件,是由Baxa集團(Englewood, CO, USA)研制開發的,T位點注射端口靠近設備出口。這種便利的進入端口,方便了心臟監測程序中額外的二次注射,將給藥錯誤或者接觸污染的可能低降至最小。在這種產品投入使用之前,給藥套件的選擇非常有限。這種套件提供了無針筒端口,并且根據不同臨床實踐的需要提供了幾種便利的長度。

Baxa公司靜脈給藥產品市場經理Mark Thrasher解釋說:“多年以來Baxa公司一直為血管擴張手術提供專業灌注器。在與心血管診所的臨床醫生以及技術人員討論之后,我們公司研制開發了這種新型套件。供應商在套件長度、連接器類型以及專業配置方面十分專業。他們使得對特殊需求產品的反應,變得十分容易。”


Microinfusion Systems for Cardiac Imaging

New infusion systems incorporate a T-site for the convenient administration of coronary vasodilators during myocardial perfusion imaging.

The MicroFuse Administration Sets, developed by Baxa Corp. (Englewood, CO, USA) feature an integrated, T-site injection port close to the set outlet. This easy access port facilitates the addition of a secondary medication during cardiac monitoring procedures, minimizing the opportunity for medication error or the introduction of touch contamination. Prior to their release, the selection of administration sets was limited. The sets provide needleless ports, and are available in several convenient lengths to accommodate different clinical practices.

“Baxa has offered a specialty infuser for vasodilation procedures for many years,” explained Mark Thrasher, market manager for IV administration products for Baxa. “The new sets were developed from discussions with cardiac clinics and their technicians. Providers had very specific input on set length, connector types, and specific configurations. They made it easy to respond with products that addressed specific needs.”

Baxa developed the MircoFuse Rapid Rate infuser specifically for rapid infusion of adenosine during pharmacologic imaging procedures. To accommodate this specific application, the infusers deliver a full syringe dose over about six or eight minutes, depending on physician requirements. The new sets have a low prime volume to minimize drug waste. Their integrated Y and T connectors make them safer and more efficient than other sets used for this application.

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