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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Beckman公司推出BRT機器人在實驗室傳送液體  


【?2005-04-27 發布?】 美迪醫訊


這種運輸工具叫做BRT,設計用于Biomek系列液體處理系統以及Beckman Coulter分析工作站。Biomek液體處理器能夠鉗夾器皿運輸到工作臺的甲板上,這種附加運輸工具能夠將器皿從甲板上來回運輸到諸如孵化器以及讀數器上。


Beckman Coulter公司產品市場部經理Margie Rogers解釋說:“我們發展這種新型BRT運輸工具來增加并能直接與我們液體處理器兼容的不同設備的整合。這個產品是我們公司為我們不斷擴大的用戶不同需求,進行鍥而不舍努力的一個新的例證。”
Robotic Transport for Liquid Handling
A new robotic transport moves plates between devices, allowing the automation of more parts of a biologic process.

Called BRT, the transport is designed for use with the Biomek series liquid handling systems and assay workstations of Beckman Coulter (Fullerton, CA, USA; While the Biomek liquid handler’s gripper transports plates on the workstation deck, the additional transport can move plates from the deck to and from devices such as incubators and plate readers.

BRT is a pick-and-place robot with tight movements that conserve lab space. The rotating movements orient the plates to the destination device. BRT integrates with a variety of devices to meet application-specific needs.

“We developed the new BRT transport to increase integration with devices that are not directly accessible to our liquid handlers,” explained Margie Rogers, product marketing manager for Beckman Coulter. “This is just one more example of our on-going developments to meet the expanding needs of our customers.”

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