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OmniGuide公司推出用于微創手術新型激光輸送系統 【?2005-05-28 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種新型激光光束輸送系統利用光子能帶隙,通過柔性或者剛性內窺鏡輸送CO2激光。這套系統已經獲得美國食品藥品管理局的許可,用于多種適應癥。 CO2激光波長是微米,具有獨特的組織相互作用特點,包括高度局限的熱效應,極低的和可控制的穿透深度,還能夠凝固小~中等的血管。迄今為止,還沒有能夠完全輸送CO2激光光束的柔性輸送機制。OmniGuide Beam Path CO2 Mark I激光光束輸送系統利用光子能帶隙技術使用中空纖維戰勝了這種挑戰,該技術是由麻省理工學院的Yoel Fink教授研制開發的。 FDA已經批準這套系統用于切割、切除、消融、汽化以及凝固機體軟組織,包括口腔內的組織,適用于普通外科與整形外科、口腔/上頜面外科/皮膚科,以及與婦科、耳鼻喉科、消化科、神經外科和肺臟手術麻醉相關的內窺鏡、開腹手術。 激光束輸送系統是由OmniGuide公司研制開發的,這家公司是由Fink教授和他的同事創辦的。該公司從麻省理工學院獲得了全方位反射鏡。 OmniGuide公司總裁兼首席執行官Steve Sheng博士說:“FDA批準我們公司的柔性纖維CO2輸送系統是我們核心醫學事業的巨大成功。FDA的批準將允許OmniGuide能夠完全投入人類手術市場,并將新型微創治療手術推進到更多的專業之中。” The CO2 laser wavelength, at 10.6 microns, offers unique tissue interaction characteristics that include highly localized thermal effects, ultra-low and controllable depth of penetration, as well as the ability to coagulate small-to-medium blood vessels. Until now, there has been no adequate flexible delivery mechanism for CO2 laser beams. The OmniGuide Beam Path CO2 Mark I laser beam delivery system has overcome this challenge by utilizing a hollow-core fiber based on photonic bandgap technology developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, Boston, USA) by Prof. Yoel Fink. The FDA has cleared the system for the incision, excision, ablation, vaporization, and coagulation of body soft tissues, including intraoral tissues, in the medical specialties of general and plastic surgery, oral/maxillofacial surgery, dermatology, endoscope and open surgical procedures related to gynecology, otorhinolaryngology, gastroenterology, neurosurgery, and pulmonary surgery for surgical and aesthetic applications. The laser beam delivery system was developed by OmniGuide, Inc. (Cambridge, MA, USA), a company founded by Prof. Fink and colleagues. The company has an exclusive license from MIT on omnidirectional reflectors. “The FDA clearance of our flexible fiber delivery system for CO2 lasers is a huge step forward for our core medical business,” observed Dr. Steve Sheng, president and CEO of OmniGuide. “The clearance will allow OmniGuide to fully engage the human surgical market and drive new minimally invasive treatment modalities in multiple specialties.” 本文關鍵字:
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