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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Zimmer公司推出微創侵入性脛骨移植物  


【?2005-05-31 發布?】 美迪醫訊


這種新型移植物設計用于微創侵入性解決方案(MIS),這是一種由Zimmer控股公司提供的全膝關節手術方案,特別適合于Zimmer MIS四頭肌保全的全關節手術,該技術設計保留四頭肌肌腱和肌肉,而不是切除或者處理它們。與傳統的全關節置換手術相比較,四頭肌保全技術的切口較小而且較不明顯,產生的組織血腫也較小。同時患者住院時間較短,運動范圍的恢復也更快。


Robert Wood Johnson醫學院整形外科手術臨床教授四頭肌保留技術的開發者 Alfred J. Tria說:“MIS有軸脛骨骨板使得我們能夠在很小的切口范圍內將部件植入,能夠更加方便地進行四頭肌保留膝關節置換手術。”
Minimally Invasive Tibial Prosthesis
A new modular stemmed tibial prosthesis can be assembled within a patient, making the procedure minimally invasive. This tibial component has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The novel implant is designed to be used with all of the minimally invasive solutions (MIS) offered for total knee procedures by Zimmer Holdings, Inc. (Warsaw. IN, USA), and is particularly well suited for use with the Zimmer MIS quad-sparing total knee procedure, a technique designed to avoid the quadriceps tendon and muscles rather than cutting through or manipulating them. When compared to traditional total knee replacement techniques, the quad-sparing technique is accomplished through a smaller and less conspicuous incision and produces less tissue trauma. Also, patients usually require a shorter hospital stay and experience a faster improvement in range of motion.

One of the design elements that permits the implant to accommodate a smaller exposure is the low profile and the length of the keel. The subsequent reduced keel length allows the implant to be inserted into the joint through a smaller opening. After the implant has been fixed in place on the proximal tibia, a stem extension can be dropped down through the plate. Zimmer believes that the additional benefits of the new implant design will further facilitate the minimally invasive procedure.

“The MIS stemmed tibial plate will allow us to insert the component within the confines of the small incision for quadriceps-sparing knee replacement with greater ease,” said Alfred J. Tria, Jr., a developer of the quad-sparing technique and a clinical professor of orthopedic surgery at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (New Brunswick, NJ, USA).

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