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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Volcano公司推出評估冠狀動脈粥樣斑塊的血管內超聲波  


【?2005-06-10 發布?】 美迪醫訊


VH IVUS技術是由Volcano集團研制開發的,在Volcano系統中使用,或者作為全球范圍內醫療中心安裝的Volcano IVUS系統的升級。


荷蘭Erasmus醫學中心胸科中心的Patrick W. Serruys教授評論說:“如今使用IVUS通常側重于提供血管和血管腔的幾何測量數據。由于IVUS只能顯示斑塊灰度,介入治療醫生對個體患者所見到的斑塊類型很難得出結論。使用VH IVUS所得到的斑塊影像將能夠提供重要信息,將改變我們診斷和治療心血管疾病患者的臨床規范。”

Ultrasound Assesses Plaque in Arteries
A new intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) system enables real-time compositional evaluation of atherosclerotic plaque in coronary arteries.

The VH IVUS technology, developed by Volcano Corp. (Rancho Cordova, CA, USA), is available on new Volcano systems or as an upgrade to Volcano’s installed base on IVUS systems in medical centers worldwide.

This new technology utilizes sophisticated spectral analysis techniques to allow simplified interpretation of ultrasound images and provide detailed information on the composition of each patient’s atherosclerotic plaque. The colorized images show four plaque component types: fibro-fatty, fibrous, dense calcium, and necrotic core. The images are created using Volcano’s imaging console along with the Eagle Eye Gold IVUS imaging catheter. Images are displayed live, in the cath lab, for easy review by the interventional cardiologist and staff while the patient remains on the table. No changes to conventional clinical practice are needed to use the system. The technology provides automated measurement tools to simplify image interpretation and employs a predetermined color key to display plaque composition on a specific point in the artery or across a region of interest.

“The use of IVUS today is generally focused on providing geometric measurements of the vessel and lumen. Due to IVUS’ inability to display plaques other than as grayscale renderings, interventionalists have had difficulty drawing conclusions about the plaque type seen in individual patients. Plaque imaging using VH IVUS will provide key information and may shift the paradigm of how we diagnose and manage patients with cardiovascular disease,” commented Prof. Patrick W. Serruys, from the Thoraxcentre, Erasmus Medical Center (Rotterdam, The Netherlands).

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