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Siemens公司的多功能震波碎石機 【?2005-07-02 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種新型多功能震波碎石機將會更加有效地用于泌尿科患者。 Lithoskop震波碎石機具有符合人體工程學的工作臺,能夠一次完成患者體位的擺放,其數字界面有助于臨床醫生的工作流程以及影象學檢查。該系統是Siemens公司的產品。 Siemens公司泌尿學主任Ed Winstead指出:“從技術上而言,這種Lithoskop能夠幫助醫生提高醫療監護的能力。數字技術提供的患者進入和影象質量也能夠增強對患者的護理和處理能力。” lithotripter的創新設計讓患者能夠從各個方位進入,其雙C臂用于X線檢查,震蕩波頭部具有多功能用途,工作流程合理。AutoPost是該系統計算機輔助的3維定位工具,有助于醫生將患者的結石排列聚焦。一旦在監視器上定位了石頭,AutoPost自動移動工作臺,擺放石頭進行治療。LithoReport幫助工作流程,從而對整個過程進行詳細記錄。 Siemens公司已經指定Platimum醫療公司作為Siemens外科手術、移動X線檢查以及泌尿學產品的法定銷售渠道。 The Lithoskop lithotripter features an ergonomic table and one-time patient positioning, while a digital interface can help clinicians with workflow and image management. The system is the product of Siemens Medical Solutions (Erlangen, Germany). “Technology, such as the Lithoskop, should enable physicians to provide enhanced medical care,” observed Ed Winstead, director of urology at Siemens. “The patient access and image quality provided by the digital technology should improve patient care and throughput.” The lithotripter’s innovative design offers patient access from all sides, while the dual C-arm for x-ray imaging and shock-wave head allow for multifunational use and smooth workflow. AutoPost, the system’s computer-aided three dimensional (3D) positioning tool, helps doctors align a patient’s stone into focus. One the stone is localized on the monitor, AutoPost automatically moves the table to position the stone for treatment. A feature called LithoReport aids workflow by allowing for detailed documentation of the entire process. Siemens has appointed Platimum Medical (Hebron, KY, USA) as the authorized sales channel for Siemens’ surgery, mobile x-ray, and urology products. /**/本文關鍵字:
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