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RTI公司推出異種移植物的介入螺絲釘 【?2005-07-06 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種新型介入螺絲釘被設計用于關節內窺鏡或者開放式前十字韌帶(ACL)和/或者后十字韌帶(PCL)重建手術。這種產品已經獲得了美國食品藥品管理的批準。 Sterling介入螺絲釘的長期吸收速度確保了在愈合期間的安全移植固定,其牽拉力量與金屬介入螺絲釘相當。美國Regeneration Technologies公司(RTI, Alachua, FL, USA; www.rtix.com)研制開發了這種產品,這種移植物使用了RT獲得保護的BioCleanse組織消毒程序。這就確保了異種移植物無菌,生物兼容性改善,并保留了組織結構的完整性。 RTI公司主席Brian K. Hutchison指出:“我們有能力研制開發新型移植物,并對異種移植物進行安全處理和消毒,對外科手術不能滿足的需要提供生物解決方案?!?/P> 在2002年,該公司資助了一項動物實驗,研究BioCleanse對異種移植物的作用。研究結果顯示:BioCleanse處理程序對牛異種移植物性質的影響與同種移植物介入螺絲釘相同。RTI擁有BioCleanse的,該公司指出這是唯一得到證實的消毒程序,能夠消滅組織中的病毒、細菌、真菌和孢子而不會影響組織的生物力學完整性。迄今為止,RTI已經銷售了超過600000份使用BioClease消毒程序處理的同種移植物,感染率為零。 Xenograft Interference Screw The Sterling interference screw has a long-term absorption rate, which ensures secure graft fixation throughout the healing process, and pullout strength is comparable to metal interference screws. Developed by Regeneration Technologies, Inc. (RTI, Alachua, FL, USA; www.rtix.com), the implant offers the benefits of RTI’s patented BioCleanse tissue sterilization process. This enables delivery of xenograft implants that are sterile and have improved biocompatibility and preserved structural integrity. “We have the opportunity to capitalize on our competencies to develop new implants and to safely process and sterilize xenograft tissue to supplement the unmet demand for biological solutions in surgery,” observed Brian K. Hutchison, chairman of RTI. In 2002, the company sponsored an animal study of the effects of BioCleanse on xenograft tissue. The results showed that the BioCleanse treatment process renders bovine xenograft essentially equivalent to an allograft interference screw. RTI holds the patents on BioCleanse, which the company notes is the only proven tissue sterilization process validated to eliminate viruses, bacteria, fungi, and spores from tissue without affecting the structural or biomechanical integrity of the tissue. To date, RTI has distributed more than 600,000 allograft implants sterilized with the BioCleanse process, with zero incidence of infection. /**/本文關鍵字:
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