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Philips公司開發出開放式MRI系統 【?2005-07-09 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種新型1.0T開放式核磁共振(MRI)掃描系統具有160厘米寬的開口,使得臨床醫生能夠為任何需要MRI掃描的患者進行成像檢查。 這種新型MRI系統具有垂直領域設計,信-噪比與1.5特斯拉圓柱型磁體相似,這能夠提供高質量圖像,進行更加精確的診斷。這些特征使得Panorama 1.0T MRI系統提供更大的檢查空間,適合患幽閉恐怖癥患者。這套系統是由Philips公司設計開發的。 大約有1/3接受MRI檢查的患者第一次由于幽閉恐怖癥而出現嚴重的焦慮不安。實際上,因為肥胖和幽閉恐怖癥大約有10%患者不能進行MRI檢查。 德國Cologne大學是歐洲第一家安裝Philips公司Panorama 1.0T系統的單位,第一家是2005年3月美國內華達影像中心安裝的。 The new MRI system also has a novel vertical field design with a signal-to-noise ratio similar to a 1.5-Tesla cylindrical magnet, which provides high-quality images for more accurate diagnoses. These characteristics make the Panorama 1.0T MRI system preferable for imaging larger and claustrophobic patients. The system was developed by Philips Medical Systems (Best, The Netherlands) About one-third of patients undergoing a MRI scan for the first time experience severe anxiety due to claustrophobia. In fact, clinicians cannot perform MRI procedures on approximately 10% of their patients because of obesity and claustrophobia. The University of Cologne (Germany) is Philips first installation of the Panorama 1.0T in Europe and the second globally after its installation in the Nevada Imaging Center, Las Vegas (USA), in March 2005. /**/本文關鍵字:
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