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Philips公司研制出新型自動測量記錄系統 【?2005-07-09 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種新型自動測量記錄系統具有在患者佩戴的接收器和床邊監測器之間的雙向通訊功能。 作為Philips醫療系統的IntelliVue患者監測套件的一部分,這種新型自動測量記錄系統使用蜂窩技術確保了無縫信息控制和更加靈活的患者監測,這兩種設計增加了臨床效率而且改善了患者預后。 IntelliVue自動測量記錄系統在受到保護的1.4 GHz無線醫療自動記錄服務(WMTS) 帶寬上使用,與Philips數字自動測量記錄系統、無線床邊監測器、運輸監測器、甚至醫院自己的WiFi (無線網絡) 系統共存。這套系統使用Smart-Hopping技術以避免干擾,當患者在醫院內漫步的時候從無縫資料中探測患者最強的信號。 Philips醫療公司患者監測市場部全球市場部副總裁David Russell說:“Philips公司的IntelliVue自動測量記錄系統是與患者、臨床醫生以及醫院行政管理人員共同設計的。系統提供了廣泛的解決方案,增強了臨床資料的獲取能力,并提高了護理隊伍的 效率。” A new telemetry system features bidirectional communications between patient-worn transceivers and bedside monitors. Part of the IntelliVue patient monitoring portfolio of Philips Medical Systems (Best, The Netherlands), the new telemetry system uses cellular technology to ensure seamless information management and more-flexible patient monitoring--both designed to increase clinical efficiency and improve patient outcome. The IntelliVue telemetry system operates in the protected 1.4 GHz wireless medical telemetry service (WMTS) band, and coexists with Philips’ digital telemetry systems, wireless bedside monitors, transport monitors, and even a hospital’s own WiFi (wireless Internet) systems. The system features Smart-Hopping technololgy to avoid interference and seek out the strongest available signal for seamless data transmission as patients roam within the hospital. “The Philips IntelliVue telemetry system was designed with patients, clinicians, and hospital administrators in mind,” said David Russell, vice president, global marketing, patient monitoring, for Philips Medical Systems. “It offers a wider range of solutions that enhance clinical data accessibility and improve a care team’s efficiency.” /**/本文關鍵字:
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