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上海掌動醫療科技有限公司 >> 產品展示 : 席勒多參數監護儀ARGUS LCM net

席勒多參數監護儀ARGUS LCM net

貨號: 60001506
型號: ARGUS LCM net
產地: 瑞士 
價格: 32000 元 已下架 
電話: 021-51601230
傳真: 021-56532303
手機號: 13816458218
聯系人: 錢菲菲(經理)
地址:  上海市靜安區汶水路40號12、28、37幢146、147室

“席勒”多參數監護儀ARGUS LCM net

“席勒”多參數監護儀ARGUS LCM net

“席勒”多參數監護儀ARGUS LCM net  產品介紹



■ 標準多參數監護功能:心電、心率、呼吸、無創血壓、血氧飽和度、體溫、脈搏

■ 對所有數據24小時連續記憶

■ 高質量7.4″ TFT 液晶顯示屏,支持大數字顯示,即使在光照不好的情況下也能清晰地監護三道軌跡和8個重要數據

■ 帶彩色標記的4個按鍵和旋鈕使醫務人員能快速實施監護功能控制

■ 全懸浮和隔離,除顫保護

瑞士席勒ARGUS LCM net多參數監護儀 英文說明書:


Vital Data Monitoring: High Quality

The new SCHILLER ARGUS LCM Net monitor is designed to provide continuos monitoring for full vital signs during transport between the care sites and suitable for adults and neonates.


  • Available paramaters include 3- or 5-lead ECG, Respiration, NIBP, SPO2, 2 temperatures, battery and optional built in printer
  • High quality 6.4 inch color TFT LCD enables you to monitor 3 traces with 8 numerics data clearly even in the most difficult lighting conditions
  • 4 color-coded keyboards and a trim knob allow quick access to monitor function control within seconds
  • Optimized rechargeable battery and wheeled mobile cart as well as integrated handle ensure continuos monitoring during transport between the care sites
  • Optional remote nurse station transfers alarm signals automatically whenver the patient condition turns critical.  Stored events or real time vital signs can be recalled to the display with printing on the optional integrated dual channels thermal printer
  • The COLLIN’s Dynamic Linear Deflation NIBP module guarantees greater patient comfort, short measurement time and improved accuracy for all adults, paediatrics and neonates
  • The NELLCOR’s revolutionary new OxiMax SPO2 sensors let you take full advantage of the ongoing advances in pulse oximetry
  • Up to 24 hours tabular and graphical trends show all parameters to support clinician’s decision at all time
  • Optional central station supports up to 8 or 16 beds real time monitoring
  • Central Station allows review of 48 hours real time waveform; 48 hours patient data trend; 100 x 30 seconds events strips displaying 3 waveforms per event


  • 5-lead ECG cable
  • Temperature probe
  • Integrated thermal printer
  • Trolley

席勒多參數監護儀 席勒ARGUS LCM net 多參數監護儀ARGUS LCM net ARGUS LCM net席勒 席勒多參數監護儀ARGUS LCM net 多參數監護儀價格 多參數監護儀 監護儀

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