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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > 加州大學發現治療睡眠呼吸暫停同時能夠降低血壓  


【?2006-06-19 發布?】 美迪醫訊



來自San Diego的California大學(UCSD, CA, USA)研究人員對比了為期兩周CPAP和非-CPAP夜間添加氧氣治療患者的24小時動態血壓,這些患者患有中度-重度OSA。該項研究總計46例患者年紀在25-65歲之間。3組患者對治療的依從性相似。

2周CPAP治療引起夜間收縮(6 mm Hg)、平均(5 mm Hg)和舒張(4 mm Hg)血壓顯著下降。 2周CPAP治療還導致日間平均和舒張血壓顯著下降了3 mm Hg。非-CPAP引起夜間收縮血壓升高3 mm Hg,夜間吸氧治療對血壓沒用顯著作用,盡管提高了氧合血紅蛋白飽和度。這些研究結果發表在2006年5月的《高血壓》之上。
Sleep Apnea Therapy Also Reduces Blood Pressure
Both daytime and nighttime blood pressure (BP) are reduced in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) who use continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, according to a new study.

Researchers from the University of California San Diego (UCSD, CA, USA) compared the effect of two weeks of CPAP versus sham-CPAP versus supplemental nocturnal oxygen on 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure in patients with moderate to severe OSA. A total of 46 patients between the ages of 25 and 65 years were included in the study. The three groups had similar rates of compliance with therapy.

Two weeks of CPAP therapy led to significant reductions in nighttime systolic (6 mm Hg), mean (5 mm Hg), and diastolic (4 mm Hg) BP. Two weeks of CPAP therapy also resulted in significant declines of 3 mm Hg in daytime mean and diastolic BP. Sham-CPAP resulted in a 3 mm Hg rise in nighttime systolic BP, while nocturnal supplemental oxygen therapy did not have any significant effect on BP, despite improving oxyhemoglobin saturation. The findings were published in the May 2006 issue of Hypertension.

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